Free Stock Images

Free High Resolution Images
As you know, every day we are more and more saturated with information coming from the Internet. Something that makes your task as a blogger or Community Manager even more complicated.
So then, how can you attract attention from users to make your content stand out and get the most number of shares and comments? Easy, using visual content like photos, GIFs or videos.
An image is worth a thousand words and this is also true in social networks and blogs. Therefore, if you want your users to interact and read your publications, you will need beautiful and striking images to arouse curiosity. Keep calm, we thought about everything and we put together a list with the best free image libraries so you don’t have to spend your money trying to find the best images.
But before we get started, what kind of images will you find with this free libraries?
- HD photos or images
- Vector images
- Photos without copyrights
- Images with copyrights
- Icons
- GIFs
- Videos
So, are you ready to discover all your options?
Free Images and Photos With or Without Copyrights
On the list that we prepared for you, you can find either stock images with copyrights or without. What happens if one of the free images you download has a copyright?
In this scenario, you can use the image as long as you mention the author or add the attributed link to the place where you are going to upload the photo or image.
This stock image library has more than 228 million photos for free download. Impressive, huh? All these resources come with Creative Commons (CC) License and they derive from different blogs, forums and websites.
Besides, the great advantage of using Foter, unlike other image libraries, is that they offer the HTML code so you can embed it on your web page or blog.

On this site, you can download free high-quality photos, they have more than 20 million to choose from. This website is fed by other free stock photo libraries and this is why they are the best database at the moment.
A great discovery!

This library is perfect if you are running short on time as you don’t have to register to acquire their visual content. The quality and resolution of their photos speak for themselves as they are very good. Have a look and be surprised!

This library carries millions of free photos with Creative Commons license using Flickr API. Remember that you must mention the author and add the attribution link if you want to put these images on your social networks or blog.

A photographers’ community that was created by a graphic designer. It’s a fantastic source for searching high resolution free images. Best of all, you don’t need to be registered to access their images. Easy and fast!
This library holds more than 300,000 high quality photos. To download their free images, you must be registered on their website. In addition, if you don’t find the image that you were looking for, you can access more photos for a fee.
On this online platform, you can find more than 150,000 royalty-freeimages, photos, videos and vector images, at no cost. If you didn’t know it, it’s about time you learn more about it!

Creative Commons Search
Free image searcher that brings you a great variety of photos taken from Flickr, Google Images and Fotopedia, amongst others.
Since the images provided are under the Creative Commons License, you must mention the author or the source of every photo you use.
There is no need to be registered to download the images that you consider good for you. Besides, if you want to make a beautiful Power Point presentation for your social networks proposals, this online platform also contains PowerPoint templates that you can use freely and at no cost.

RGB Stocks
This image library offers over 1,000 photos to download with high resolution. You can find everything from photos to backgrounds and graphics to give a special touch to your illustrations and designs. It will take you less than a minute to register!

Dead Stock Photo
When you subscribe to this free image searcher, you can receive and download a certain number of free photos each month. The images you obtain have high quality and they offer a wide variety of images. Are you ready to try it?
They offer free high resolution images. Striking photos with a very professional design that will help you to be different and stand out. You will find plenty of designs to use on your social media strategy.
Free Vector Images With or Without Copyrights
If apart from using free stock images you want your designs for your posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or blog to go beyond, we alsohave something for you. Pay attention to the following list of libraries that can offer all kinds of vector images and cool illustrations. Enrich your creations with the selection that we’ve prepared for you!
If you are looking for designs or vector images to make your creations look more professional, there is no doubt that this is one of the best free vector image searchers that you can find at the moment.
Apart from vector images, you can download photos, icons and free templates with very high quality Behind this vector image library, there is a great team of designers that bring with them their creativity and originality so you can download exclusive content.
In exchange, they ask you to mention the source or author of the creation.
You will have at your reach over 150,000 vector images for free download. Thanks to the good organization of their categories, it will be so easy for you to find the images you want.
Another great community to free download vector images. Their designs are spectacular and they don’t have copyrights. Now that you have all this info about free stock image libraries, you just have to look into each of them and find the photos and illustrations that best suit your ideas, content and brand.

Do you know other photo or vector image libraries?
Tell us and we will add it to our list. Start letting your imagination go! (and besides, free!)