Best Time To Post On Social Media

16 January 2022

▶ When is the best time to publish my content on social networks? ◀

An open debate has existed since networks became social and companies started to participate in the social media world and wanted to become “companies 2.0’, as they realized that it was one of the best possible channels for marketing and humanizing their brands. Today, I’d like to contribute to this discussion with my point of view.

Marketing digital professionals have always debated about how to promote the engagement of our publications, either in our personal or business accounts.

So, as you’re probably aware, today we are going to talk about the best time to publish on social media. This tips will help you to make a social media marketing strategy.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

Before considering if you should publish your content in the morning, afternoon, before dinner, or any other time, you must think thoroughly and determine to whom your content will be addressed. This is crucial and it’s the first thing you should decide on which social networks you’ll present.

You must analyze in detail your products, services, and objectives, to conclude which type of public will be most interested in what you offer.

Finally, once you define your audience, we will qualify and quantify the necessary efforts to attract them. What is the best time to publish on Social Networks to maximize your visibility? Click to Tweet!

Which Social Networks is Your Target Audience On?

Now that you carried out an in-depth analysis and selected your target and potential followers or clients, we must choose which channels we will put our effort, time, and money into.

If you have a team with social media skills, my advice would be that you all bring to the table the advantages and disadvantages of each social network, especially the most relevant ones.

Currently, three of the most relevant and popular social networks for the public in general are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So, I will concentrate on which time is best to publish on these three platforms.

When Is the Best Time To Publish My Content?

Each time I read articles from other professionals talking about when it’s best to publish on the main social networks, I apply their recommendations to my social network accounts for two or three weeks.

After going through a lot of posts with different opinions on this subject and having put them into practice, I’ve reached the following conclusion:

All of them were right since the times that they claimed were best, they effectively were
. Although, just for them.

And the thing is that in social media, as in life, what works for some, doesn’t necessarily work for you and vice versa.

In this case, my advice is, in order to determine the best time to publish, you must look at your community, at what time they are connected, if they are more or less related to the content you publish, etc.

Concurrent with when I reached my conclusion, I started to use Metricool a few months ago to program my personal social network accounts and also manage my client’s accounts.

It was then that this tool put an end to all my speculations and helped me to analyze which times were best to share my content with my community.

Metricool offers you the best times to post in two ways:

âžĄïž Through the calendar colors: the darkest slots are the ones with the most active users.

âžĄïž A percentage that indicates when there are more active users in a specific time slot.

Here we tell you how to see each color according to the social network: Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

💡 And the thing is that in social media, as in life, what works for some, doesn’t necessarily work for you and vice versa.

Best Time to Share Content on Facebook

Thanks to Metricool, there is a way to know what times of the day are more favorable for sharing content on your Facebook Page.

When you have added your Facebook Fan Page to Metricool, it’s as easy as going to the “planning” section on this tool.  Once there, you will see a calendar and if you activate Facebook with the option “Best Time On”, the calendar will automatically fill out with different shades of blue.

Depending on the different hues, you can learn when it’s best time to share content on your Facebook Page (given that you connected your page to Metricool). Metricool can figure out which time slot seems to increase the engagement rate and visibility.

best time to publish on facebook

Best Time to Post on Twitter

Did you see how easy it is to identify the most favorable moments for publishing on your social networks??

In the same way as we did with Facebook, to discover when it’s more convenient to post content on our Twitter account, we will resort to this handy feature.

Don’t forget to change in “Best Time On” the social network that you want to analyze.

If you pay attention, you will realize that the best times for publishing on Facebook hardly coincide with Twitter.  It’s explained, as I mentioned before, by the fact that each social network has a specific characteristic that differs from the others, that is, these platforms won’t have the same type of users and probably their audience won’t be active at the same time.

You will learn the best time to schedule your content on Twitter.

best time to publish on twitter

Best Time To Post on Instagram?

If you want to increase engagement and have more visibility for your photos on Instagram, you must make sure that your images are original, noteworthy, and a reflection of yourself.

Whether on the beach or at a swimming pool, taking pleasure in your favorite books, or at a Networking event along with other professionals, everybody likes to receive ‘likes’ and comments on their published images.

However, another factor for consideration to succeed with your content, is to discover the best times to publish, as it happens with Twitter and Facebook.

You will discover the best moments to publish on Instagram in an instant with the fantastic feature offered by Metricool. You just have to look at the map of color displayed on the calendar once you have connected your Instagram account.

In this case, different shades of pink will give you answers to the dilemma about when you should upload your photos. Without a doubt with this tool, you will be the most successful Instagramer amongst your friends!

Best time to post instagram by metricool

For more in depth information about the best time to post on Instagram based on the days of the week and best times overall click the button below:

Best Time to Post on TikTok

To find the best time to post on TikTok, Metricool also offers the best time to post feature for this platform as well.

The Metricool TikTok 2023 study also offers great information about what type of content and when to post based on some very interesting statistics. To view the full study, click the button below:

Bonus Track

You can also schedule your TikTok content with Metricool, upload your video to the planner, write the copy, choose the time and date, and that’s it. Focus on your work while leaving your TikTok videos scheduled!

Remember to have notifications activated for TikTok and Metricool, so you don’t miss anything when the time to post arrives. 

✅ Your best times for publishing won’t necessarily agree with other users. Remember!

To give this article the final touch, I would like you to keep the idea that what works for you won’t necessarily work for others, neither on Instagram, nor on Twitter, nor on any other social network.

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 16 January 2022


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