LinkedIn Shortcut to Collaborative Articles

16 April 2024

Collaborative Articles have become extremely popular on LinkedIn in recent months, so in efforts to continue this push, LinkedIn is coming up with new ways to urge users to both read them and participate in them.

This shortcut that they recently added will hopefully help in their efforts to expand collaborative articles. These articles are powered by AI so this new shortcut will make it easy to push specific articles to users based on their niche or skillset. 

What Are LinkedIn Collaborative Articles? 

LinkedIn Collaborative Articles are exactly as the name suggests they are. These articles are written by AI to then be completed by the many users on the LinkedIn App who are invited to contribute to the specific articles. 

This allows users to read about a specific topic or choose to collaborate and participate in the article to offer their expertise. There are several topics to choose from, so no matter your niche, odds are you can find or participate in one of these articles. 

LinkedIn ‘Contribute Expertise’ Update

Now, users will see a button that says ‘Contribute Expertise’ when composing a post. By clicking this, you will be taken to a whole list of collaborative articles based on your specific niche that you can participate in or read! 

Source: Social Media Today

As you can see in this example, just click on the center button and you will be able to find articles having to do with your skillset! 

This update will definitely help push users to use these articles more frequently since it is so easy to navigate. Give it a try and let us know what you think! 

For more in-depth information on LinkedIn Articles, we highly recommend giving our blog linked below a read! 

sophie sophie , 16 April 2024


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