Micro Influencers: What Does It Mean and How To Use Them in Your Marketing Strategy

17 August 2023

You have probably heard about them: The Micro Influencers

They are very similar to influencers and are getting more relevance in the marketing and social media world.

But let’s see what they are in detail and where you can find them.

Micro Influencer Meaning

Micro Influencers are similar to an influencer but with a lower scale of ‘influence’. They are characterized by having fewer followers, normally focused on one sector or specific geographical area.

Influencer, the big brother, is a relative new term. They are users with a large number of followers on social networks who can influence the actions of those who follow them. Micro influencers have emerged from this term.

✅ Who hires Micro influencers?

Beauty and fashion brands have more often chosen to include micro influencers based on their capacity to get more interactions.

✅ Micro influencers Follower Count?

10,000–100,000 followers

Marketing strategies with micro influencers 

Brands opt more and more frequently to perform their marketing strategies with micro influencers, especially because they sometimes transmit more credibility to their audience than some influencers.

Additionally, using micro influencers can make a difference in the results of your campaigns:

  • An influencer helps you to get more visibility
  • micro influencer helps you to increase conversions.

Why create strategies with micro influencers 

There is more than one reason why using micro influencers is more profitable than considering big social media stars:

✅ Improve engagement: Micro influencers get better engagement. Their community is smaller but more active.  They receive more comments and likes on their publications.

✅ More credibility: For example, if a celebrity talks about a lipstick, we immediately associate it with advertising. On the other hand, if a less famous person, with only 1,000 followers, does the same, we don’t automatically think that it’s advertising but a truthful recommendation.

✅ Reach a more segmented audience: If you consider Shakira for your ad campaign, you will reach more followers but a more diverse audience, that is, with different interests. However, if you carry out a campaign with an influencer with 1,000 followers, you will reach fewer people but most likely with similar taste.

✅ Increase profitability: Hiring celebrities for your ad campaign is more expensive than using micro influencers. So, you save money and increase conversions.

How to create a strategy with micro influencers

To create a strategy with micro influencers, follow the next steps:

  1. Define the profile of your target audience
  2. Choose a micro influencer
  3. Decide which channels or social networks you are going to use
  4. Select the content for your campaign
  5. Analyze the impact of your actions on your audience
  6. Improve loyalty

How to find these influencers

Now that you have decided that you want to create a marketing strategy with micro influencers, where can you find the right one?

First, you must carry out thorough research. Probably, many of them don’t even know they are one.

✅ Check your followers on social networks: You will probably find out that some of them match the characteristics you are looking for. If he/she is already a follower of your brand, it will be more probable that he/she accepts your proposal and performs well.

✅ Look for keywords or hashtags related to your business: This is a way to discover users that interact with them and therefore, they can become ambassadors for your brand or product.

✅ Companies that put you in touch with micro influencers: There are certain platforms that help to connect brands with micro influencers.

Companies to hire micro influencers

If you lack time to carry out proper research to find the perfect candidate for your campaign, you can work with some companies that will do the job. We have put together a list with some of them:

Start today planning your strategies and increase the visibility of your brand.

Don’t hesitate to share your doubts and questions in the comment section.

Want to know more about Influencer Marketing? 

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 17 August 2023

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