ONiAd Tutorial: Management and analysis of online advertising campaigns

27 August 2020

ONiAd is a digital advertising management and analysis tool that allows you to advertise your brand, product or service  in the best media channels on the Internet in an agile, intuitive and efficient way.

Here you will discover how to boost the visibility of your business on the Internet with this platform!

Why create advertising campaigns with ONiAd

  • Time: ONiAd allows you to create online advertising campaigns in just 5 minutes, so you will have an easy, simple and effective tool to launch online campaigns in a few simple steps.
  • Continuous learning: With this platform you will learn step by step. Through the instructions and the tutorials offered by the tool, you will be able to create, manage and evaluate the result and get the most out of your display ad campaigns.
  • Help: not a skilled marketer? don’t worry! ONiAd is a management tool for everyone. You can create the advertising campaigns yourself, but if you have questions, you can rely on ONiAd’s professional team of experts. They will help you get the most out of your advertising strategy!
  • Accuracy: reach your target! ONiAd is a tool that is based on precision through the specific selection of media tools such as geolocation. It can even be segmented by zip code. That is, if you have a local business you can segment and impact the people who live in a neighborhood with advertising!
  • Verified media: ONiAd’s web traffic has quality. The platform has more than 3,000 means of communication that have been manually verified by their technical team. They also have both general and specific websites. Enter and discover all the thematic lists they have!
  • Big data and artificial Intelligence: The tool allows the creation of customized actions through big data and artificial intelligence. ONiAd always seeks to maximize the budget and impact!
  • Measurement: In order to know if you are reaching your goals, an analysis is essential. You will be able to check in real time the performance of your campaigns to make any modification or improvement in the moment.

ONiAd: Create your digital marketing strategy

With ONiAd you can create digital advertising campaigns that adapt to your communication and marketing needs. With ONiAd you can:

  • Reach a new target audience.
  • Promote your company, as well as your products and services.
  • Attract quality traffic to your website, ecommerce, blog, etc.
  • Create lovemarks by building loyalty with your customers

With ONiAd you can run 3 different types of campaigns

  • New audience campaigns.
  • Campaigns to drive traffic to your website.
  • Email opening campaigns.

New audience campaigns

The “New Audience” campaigns are also known as prospecting campaigns.
You will show ads to potential customers!

Also, you will enhance the knowledge of your brand, product or service, at the same time that you will be able to attract quality traffic to your web domain with just 4 actions:

  1. Information.
  2. Geolocation.
  3. Media.
  4. Advertisement

1. Information of ad campaign

Once you log into the platform, you must select the type of campaign you want to carry out, in this case “New audience”. Then you will access the first panel where you must fill in the following fundamental information:

  • Name of your online campaign

A name that identifies your campaign! This headline will only be seen by you, therefore, select a name that allows you to identify this campaign from others that you may have active in ONiAd.

  • Campaign Duration

For how long do you want to launch your advertising campaign? You decide the timing!

As a general rule, campaigns are established indefinitely. Also, you can enter the end date of the campaign by selecting the start date and the end date of the campaign. You just have to click to customize and choose the specific dates.

Is it your first time creating a campaign? We recommend a minimum duration of one month. With 30 days of an advertising campaign you will be able to measure the results and draw conclusions for future campaigns. You can also update and improve the campaign on the fly for real-time improvement and optimization of your prospecting campaign.

  • Daily Budget

The campaign budget is daily. You decide the budget that you are going to invest in the platform.

Top tip: we recommend investing at least € 100 per month. It is the amount of money that will allow you to draw conclusions and analyze the performance of your advertising campaign.

For example, if you invest a daily budget of 10 euros for 30 days, you will be able to draw relevant conclusions about your first prospecting campaign. With this figure, you will be able to impact about 100,000 to 500,000 people with advertising.

  • Ad Price

Automatic or manual? With the first option, the ONiAd algorithm seeks to impact the maximum number of people with the established daily budget. These ads are purchased through bidding on impressions. 

The second option allows you to personally select the amount of money for which you want to bid. You decide the price you want to pay for each impression! You also have other settings that you can modify:

  • Ad visibility time frame.
  • Number of frequency of ad views per day 
  • Type of device to receive the ad (computer, tablet, mobile)

2. Geolocalization

Next, it’s time to say where to show the ads. We recommend that you go from “more to less”, that is, start with a broad segmentation and gradually narrow down until you determine the precise geolocation of your target. You can choose: 

  • National. Recommended for products or services that can be sold throughout the country. In addition, ONiAd is international, so you can launch campaigns in Spain, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal and Andorra.
  • Regional/Provincial. Frequent for companies that work in a specific geographical area.
  • Local. Widely used for local businesses or located in specific neighborhoods such as shops, gyms, restaurants, etc. 

And did you know that with ONiAd you can exclude zones? You just have to search for the country, province, town or zip/postal code and decide whether or not you want to include it in your personalized geolocation.

And for local businesses, geolocation by zip code is their secret weapon to the success of your advertising campaign. The ideal advanced option for businesses in specific neighborhoods!

3. Choose the right media

The third step is the selection of the media where you want your ads to be displayed.

Each advertising campaign is different, so the selection of media must be meticulous and adapted to the target audience. The platform has different default listings so that your first campaign can get good results.

If you are using ONiAd for the first time, you should check out the list: “ONiAd Recommended Media”, a list of 50 basic media. While keeping an eye on other lists such as “National Media” or “International Media”. Not to mention the thematic lists. In the search engine you only have to include a word related to the subject of your campaign and you will find countless lists with related media. If you have a beauty business, try entering words such as health, wellness, beauty …

And of course, you can also include or exclude certain media.

4. Advertisements

The final step is to create the advertising banners that will be displayed to users. For an ad to succeed, these are the must-haves that you should take into account:

Several formats. Variety of designs and sizes. Ads must be in all possible available sizes. This way you will not have limitations and ONiAd will be able to bid for all the available spaces in any media! What sizes are recommended?

  • Medium Rectangle: 300×250.
  • Leaderboard: 728×90.
  • Skycraper wide: 160×600.
  • Big rectangle: 300×600.
  • Leaderboard mobile: 336×280.
  • Wallet: 970×250.

Include a CTA. you should have elements that impact and include a call to action. Images, buttons, or interactive formats are the perfect features for users to click and be redirected to your page.

Personalize your banners. Don’t have a program to create your advertising banners? Don’t worry, with RapidBanner you can create all formats and sizes of banners easily, simply and for free. 

And with the ads, the process of creating the prospecting campaign ends. Your advertising strategy is ready to go!

However, ONiAd offers much more… See how to complete your marketing and communication strategy with email and web retargeting campaigns!

H3 Visitors to my website campaign

Did you know that you can once again impact those people who have already visited your website with advertising? Web retargeting campaigns are also known as remarketing. It is an online marketing tool that consists of re-impacting with advertising to users who have previously visited our website.

With ONiAd’s “Visitors to my website” campaigns, you can do remarketing to serve as a reminder and enhance your brand image. You will be able to attract public to your website in 5 steps:

1. Campaign Information

The first step is common. Main data to configure the campaign!

  • Name of your campaign
  • Duration
  • Daily Budget
  • Ad Price

2. Retargeting

One of the main aspects of retargeting is selecting the audience we want to target. In the advertising world, the audience is the set of users who have some characteristics in common.

The audience is chosen through segmentation. As a general rule, behavior is one of the most used options, such as “Visitors to my website”, that is, people who have browsed our website.

ONiAd allows you to create personalized audiences so that you can “chase” and re-impact users who have already visited your website with ads. You have several options:

  • Audience: all visitors to my website. This list is created automatically and allows you to re-impact all users who have visited your website.
  • Personalized audience such as “Abandoned cart”, “list of products on sale”. These options are perfect for online stores where customers have not completed their purchase.

You will be able to create that audience that fits perfectly with your marketing and communication objectives.

Custom code for audiences of “Visitors to my website”

  • From the home page click on audiences.
  • Press the “create new” option.
  • Create the specific audience you need, such as “Black Friday” or “Abandoned cart.”
  • Returns to the web audiences section. There you can select the specific tracking code to enter it on your website.

How to insert the tracking code for the audiences of “visitors to my website”

The tracking code is also known as a pixel. It is a text that you must insert on the web where you want to attract users and then follow them with ads. You will find it in the “Audiences” section and it looks like this:

To insert it properly you can follow ONiAd instructions according to each web domain.

3. Geolocalization

As broad as possible! Why? Because we want to impact those users who have visited our website with advertising, wherever they are.

  • National
  • Regional/Provincial.
  • Local. 

Do you remember? You also have the option of excluding certain areas. Customize your geolocation!

4. Choose the right media

In remarketing we advise selecting “All media” since this will impact users who have visited your website with any media. From press to websites on specific topics. And in the same way that happens in geolocation, you can eliminate or exclude those websites that do not interest you.

5. Advertisements

Remember that it is very important to get the most out of your banners with:

  • Several formats
  • Calls to action

Now, do you want to know how to do email marketing? Discover step by step how to do it below! 

Email opening campaigns

And now it’s time to attract those users who have opened any of our emails with ads. Email marketing is a top tool to enhance sales through discounts and promotions, inform about news and above all, keep the customer informed of all new brand actions.

If in advertising banners you have to follow a series of guidelines to attract attention, in emails too. Here is a set of tips that you should apply to your emails:

  • Language: text made up of short sentences and direct language. Don’t use fancy words. And be careful with the length of the email body, some people read from the mobile so brevity and conciseness will be your best allies.
  • Eye-catching email subject: the email subject has to be clickbait, it has to prompt to open the message.
  • Visual elements: the text has to be entertaining. Use emoticons, images, words in bold… Humanize the message and transmit the essence of your brand in the email!

And once you are clear about the message you are going to convey, it is time to start the campaign step by step. It is very simple because we have to carry out the same procedure that we have done with the web retargeting campaign. On this occasion, we will insert a tracking code in the emails we send.

1. Campaign Information

2. Retargeting

Do you remember that we have to select the specific group of clients we want to address? There are 2 options:

  • General code: we will include this code to re-impact all the people who have opened an email with ads. For example, when we send weekly informational emails. (This audience option appears by default. However, you can create your custom audience)
  • Specific code: we will include this code in certain emails to impact specific customers with advertising. When should we create a customized code? Above all, it is used for offers and promotions such as sales seasons. This specific code that we have created for a specific audience, will only be included in the emails where the sale promotion appears, so that when the customer opens the email they will begin to be “chased” with advertising about our promotion.

Create a specific code for “Email Opening” audiences

  • Target audiences.
  • Give the option “create new”.
  • Next, create the specific audience you need, such as “20% promotion“.
  • Go back to the email audiences section. There you can select the specific tracking code to enter it in the email.

3. Geolocalization

4. Choose the right media

5. Advertisements

Your “Email Opening” campaign is ready to publish. Did you know that you can track the performance of your campaign through reports? Here we tell you how to optimize your campaign day by day.

Reports: analyze the performance of your campaigns in ONiAd

To know how your online advertising campaigns are going, ONiAd allows you to obtain reports with detailed data. Also, you can create these reports in 2 different ways:

  • Scheduled reports: manage reports for a specific date. For example, to see how your campaign is working after 2 weeks of activity.
  • Report generated: Manage a report to see the current situation of the campaign and thus be able to make any type of modification in the moment.

These reports can be viewed in PDF or Excel. Also, you can analyze the metrics with Google Analytics.

Going to the point, what information do these reports allow us to analyze??

  • Summary: The first thing this report provides is a summary of the fundamental data of the campaign: impressions, CPM, CPC, clicks, CTR and cost. You can see this detailed information through data, graphs and tables.
  • Media: Next, you will see a table with the data regarding the media where your ads have appeared. This table will allow you to know which media works best and where your target audience is to continue segmenting and narrowing down the following campaigns.
  • Ads: Finally, you will see the performance of your advertisements. You will be able to know which ones work better, which ones get more clicks and information regarding impressions, CPC, CPM, CTR and cost.

Look at this example report:

Choose your payment method

One of the advantages that ONiAd offers is the payment method. Choose the one that best suits your business needs!


Prepay is a form of payment that consists of paying for advertising in advance and gradually manual recharges are made. When is it advisable to use this payment method? Especially in specific campaigns, with budgets and closed dates.

We explain how to recharge step by step:

  • You select the amount of money you want to “top up”.
  • You consume the balance at the rate that you decide, because in ONiAd an amount of money is allocated daily to advertising.
  • Once the balance reaches 0, the campaigns will be stopped and will not work again until you do a new recharge.
  • You can make periodic recharges or, on the contrary, use the automatic payment method to prevent a campaign from being stopped.

Automatic Payment

Automatic payment is the form of payment that makes it easy to pay for advertising campaigns at the rate they are consumed. Charges are made automatically, therefore, the frequency of collection varies depending on the daily investment of your campaigns.

This method of payment is recommended for people who have:

  • Several advertising campaigns running.
  • Advertising campaigns without an ending date pre established.
  • Or people who want to avoid continually recharging the balance and prevent their campaigns from stopping. 

How does it work? The balance is recharged automatically. Instead of paying in advance, the platform gives you credit that you consume with your campaigns. You will accumulate a “negative balance”, which will be set to 0 each time the automatic charge is made.

The ONiAd tutorial ends here, a digital advertising tool that allows you to create a marketing and communication strategy tailored to each company.

Speed, agility and continuous learning on the same platform. What did you like best about the tool? Tell us your opinion in the comment section!

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 27 August 2020

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