Social Media Posts on Google Business Listings 

20 March 2024

Adding social media profiles to your Google Business Listing became an option back in October of 2023. But, now you will have the option to add actual social media posts to your Google Business Listings as well. 

These posts will be your recent posts from the profiles that you have connected. This section will appear with the title ‘Social Media Updates’. You can choose to connect their Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and X accounts via their Google Business dashboard. 

Where Will The Social Posts Be Located

These social posts will only be found as of now on the mobile version. They will be found directly under the business information. From there you can click directly to their recent posts.

You are allowed to add one link per social media site. To add a link, all you have to do is: 

  • Go to your Business Profile. 
  • Click Edit profile, Business information, and then Contact.
  • To edit, click the Social Profiles down arrow.
  • In the drop-down menu, click the social media link you would like to add.
  • In the web address field, add the link.
  • Click Save.

If you want to edit your links, just follow these simple steps: 

  • Go to your Business Profile. 
  • Click Edit profile, Business information, then Contact.
  • To edit, click Social Profiles.
  • Update the web address field for the social media link you would like to update
  • Click save
  • Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  • Click Edit profile, Business information then Contact.
  • In “Social profiles” next to the profile you want to remove, click the trash icon.
  • Click Save.

Adding your social media links to your Google profile can help drive traction to your social media platforms! 

To learn more about Google Profile and how to better optimize your page, be sure to click the button linked below: 

sophie sophie , 20 March 2024


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