2023 TikTok Study Presentation

After analyzing 3,422,461 videos from 85,261 accounts, we have the answers to TikTok’s biggest questions. And this time, we are presenting the data to you live!

If you are active on TikTok and have asked yourself the following questions…

⭐ How many videos should you upload per day?

⭐ What is the ideal length of a TikTok video?

⭐ What is the best time to post a video?

⭐ What matters more, views or likes? 

⭐ What content is most viral on TikTok?

Then you’re in luck, because these answers lie in the data we found.

📍Led by US Metricool team co-heads Anniston Ward and Alexandra Caceres

See you in the Masterclass!

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 26 September 2023

Master Social Media in 2025

Data-driven insights to level up your strategy.

Learn from real-world data—what works, what doesn’t, and where social media is headed this year.

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