How to know who is not following me on social media

15 June 2021

Does the following situation sound familiar? You upload a new publication on your social networks, you check that a few users are interested in your content and they like it. They follow you and you feel indebted to them so you also follow them on their social media accounts.

However, after a few days you realize that these users have stopped following you without an explanation. What happened? Calm down, because we are going to see it in great detail below.  Why some don’t follow me on social media. 


Why do they follow me and then stop suddenly?

There are those that practice following and immediately unfollowing as a mean of accumulating followers.

But, why are there others that just stop following in general? In addition to the following/unfollowing scenario, there are other reasons why users might stop following you:

  • They are no longer interested in your account: they may have been attracted to your accounts at first, with your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, because of something you shared or that appealed to them. But as often happens in the vast majority of cases, they soon discover that your account doesn’t interest them as much as they thought.
  • They stop following you if you don’t return the follow: yes, you heard correctly.  Many users follow you on the premise that you will also follow them, therefore, if you have not done so, they will stop following you.  Welcome to ego 2.0!
  • They are simply practicing Follow-Unfollow: as I mentioned before, strange as it may seem, these types of users only want to “inflate” their number of fans. So as soon as they see that you have followed them, they will stop following you.  It’s cold, isn’t it?  For this reason, this type of practice is not a prefered method.

How to know who does not follow or stops following me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook

We’ve covered some possible reasons as to why users might not be following your social media accounts.


Why is it necessary to know who stops following your account?

¿Why is it important to know who is or isn’t following me? 

  • To study your community: This way you can check if you are reaching your target audience, and check if the actions you have taken have been appropriate.
  • Take into account what type of content works: since there is some content or publications that work better than others, understanding this will allow you to better optimize your strategies to appeal to more users.
  • Find out who is and isn’t following you: by understanding this, you will be able to take the appropriate measures so that you are followed by the people who best fit your target audience. 
  • Stop following those who do not follow you: you know what they say, quality is better than quantity.  Remember this, and apply it to your social media strategy.

Tools to discover who has stopped following you and those that don’t already

Your next step should be to find out which users have stopped following you so you can remove them from your Instagram and Twitter.  But how can you know?

Very easy, you just need to find the right tool.  Read on, you might find this helpful!

Twitter: tool to know who is not following you 

Metricool is, without a doubt, the tool that use par excellence. You didn’t know about this facet of Metricool? Well, it will be a discovery for you, since it allows you to monitor all of the metrics and parameters of your social network accounts. 

You just have to select your Twitter account, go to the “evolution” tab and scroll until you reach a graph where you can see the balance of your followers.

Also, if you continue a little below the graph of your “balance of followers”, you will see that Metricool shows you 2 lists of Twitter accounts,  one with gained followers (new followers) and another with lost ones (followers who have unfollowed your account).

who is not following me on social media with metricool


On Twitter it is easier to see. Instagram with its privacy policies has decided to eliminate this function from tools like ours.  

And who isn’t following me on Facebook? 

As with Instagram, Metricool also allows you to track the growth of your community and check the balance of your fans on Facebook:

  • Number of fans you have gained or lost
  • Your ranking of publications
  • People that interacted with your content: “reactions”, “shares” and “comments”.
who is not following me on social media with metricool

As you can see, finding out who is following or not following  you is easier than it seems. This allows you to demonstrate if your content is in the interest of your followers or on the contrary, they do not hook your target audience how you would like. .

Furthermore, these conclusions can be extrapolated to your social media marketing strategies.

Take a look at the link below: how to do social media marketing step by step…

Laura Montells Laura Montells , 15 June 2021

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