What is IRL on Twitch?

24 February 2022

Twitch is the largest streaming platform, thanks to the variety of content. There are categories for almost any type of content, although we’ll focus on a specific category: IRL on Twitch.

IRL is short for In Real Life

It is a term that refers to any content outside of a video game or the digital world.

Within the ‘Browse’ page on Twitch, you will find the main categories of the platform: Video Games, Music, eSports, Creative and, IRL.

There is room for day-to-day content in real life in this section: from events, sports, or travel.

💡 What does this mean?

You don’t need to be an expert in video games to have your own Twitch channel. With exciting content, you can use this platform to grow your business.

If you’re thinking of taking the plunge and getting into this Twitch content, we’ve prepared several IRL options for your business.

IRL Twitch: Content Ideas

Twitch allows you to create content with very basic elements that you can have at home. Even from a mobile phone, you have everything to start your streaming.

What content can you stream on Twitch in the IRL section?

Live events.

We know how complicated it is to set up an event and broadcast it to reach the largest number of viewers.

With Twitch, there is a category for Special Events, where your followers and those users interested in your business have the option to follow the broadcast in a simple way. Whether from PC or mobile device, followers can actively participate with the chat, give their opinion and be part of surveys or questions that you propose during the event.

It is easier for other Twitch users to reach your event by adding this category since you have more opportunities to appear in the ‘Browse’ section.

Science and Technology.

Another one of the categories included in the In Real Life directory is Science and Technology.

If your business or company is in this niche, it is an excellent opportunity to share questions live with followers or potential customers. You can also do product unboxing or make tutorials of your product or service.

Outdoors & Travel.

The Outdoors & Travel category performs very well on Twitch and has many views. 

If you have a blog, Instagram channel or content on other networks about traveling, bringing your travels to Twitch. Streaming the trips and making a live diary of each route is like traveling from home. Viewers want to understand other cultures, and this can help increase traffic to your company.

With IRL Twitch, it’s easy to get to these channels. So with good content and camera in hand, you’ll get a lots of viewers on your adventures.

✅ Sports and health.

Is there anything more “real life” than sports and health? With the arrival of social media, the amount of content you can find on the Internet has multiplied.

And on Twitch, it doesn’t disappoint. Both sport and health & wellness are one of the main sections within the Twitch IRL directory.

As a company in the sports sector, you can show products, solve problems or doubts of the audience, talk about trending topics, organize current debates, etc.

Thus, if you’re a content creator dedicated to fitness or wellness, you can share your workouts or train live for others to see. It’s a great way to see how you work and, who knows, maybe get some future clients!

As you can see, Twitch continues to grow and offer various content options on the platform. No more excuses that “streaming is not for you”. Take advantage of IRL Twitch and continue growing on the Internet with your company or business.

Of course, the important thing is to have a clear content and marketing strategy on Twitch.

Do you already have a Twitch channel? Have you streamed on IRL? Drop your experiences in the comments. 👇🏻

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 24 February 2022

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