How to Use The TikTok Whee App 

26 June 2024

TikTok is launching yet another new app in hopes to increase engagement. This new app TikTok is launching will be called TikTok Whee. This app will be very similar to Instagram in the fact that it will be image-based content that you can share with friends. 

TikTok explained that this new app will be a way for users to post real-time photos for their close friends. This app is aimed to increase the amount of authentic content. 

What Is The TikTok Whee App?

This may sound familiar and that is because TikTok has already launched an image-based known as TikTok Notes App. 

Your next question is why TikTok would create another app just like it and what the differences are. But so far from what we know about both apps, TikTok Notes seems more like Instagram in the fact that it is an image-sharing platform for a wider audience, whereas TikTok Whee has more similarities to the BeReal app in the fact that it is more intimate and authentic. 

TikTok Whee App Features

TikTok’s Whee app is a photo-sharing platform that allows users to share photos with their close friends. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, but it is still not available in all countries. Some of the key features of the app include:

  • Sharing photos with close friends only
  • A simple user interface with camera, feed, and message tabs
  • Emphasis on privacy
  • Messaging system for direct messages
  • Liking and commenting on photos, but only with friends

Do you see the vision for this new app and do you feel this could be utilized for brands? Let us know, we would love to hear from you! 

sophie sophie , 26 June 2024

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