Facebook Engagement: Ways To Increase It
What is Facebook Engagement?
Facebook engagement is the action that people takes on your Facebook Page. The most common are: likes, comments and shares.
When we talk about Facebook engagement, we try to explain the way users interact with the different brands on this social network.
When you calculate social media engagement you’re measuring the commitment that your users show to your brand.
So, how do you measure your brand’s success or the love your clients really feel for your brand? Although love is something abstract, it’s possible to measure it with this metric.
For example, knowing how many times your clients revisit your page, how many positive reactions your post generates, how they talk about you, etc.
Calculating Facebook’s Engagement
The interactions on your posts on Facebook include:
- Likes and the rest of reactions
- Shares
- Comments: both positive or negative
- And even the clicks made by users
In short, an interaction would be any action that the user performs in relation to your brand or content.
You must measure every activity performed on Facebook.
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Facebook Engagement Rate: Formula
What you’ll need to find out is what type of interactions you should consider for the measurement and which denominator to use.
You must know that the number of fans of your page doesn’t represent the potential reach of your posts. There are two main reasons for this:
Facebook’s algorithm EdgeRank: determines which posts will be displayed on your fans’ News Feeds.
Advertising: If you spend some money on this, you can reach more people with your posts, even when they don’t follow your page.
Following this logic, each post may have a very different reach so it’s crucial that the Facebook engagement rate calculation takes this into account:

Passion, being loyal to your brand or the commitment to it, can also be considered engagement indicators.
Engagement, loyalty or brand identity help to measure the reputation. You can calculate interactions but there will always be an intangible emotional factor that is more complicated to catch.
Want to know more about Facebook?
Measure your Facebook Engagement with Metricool
Metricool’s engagement formula is slightly different from Facebook’s:

Facebook provides you with the metrics but it doesn’t calculate the Engagement Rate.
Without leaving this platform, the only way to obtain the result is doing it manually, and the steps to take are long and confusing.
By connecting your account to Metricool for free you will be able to know the engagement of your Facebook Page and of each post you publish.
Step 1: On the upper menu click on Evolution and select Facebook on the side menu.
Step 2: Introduce the date range of your choice.
Step 3: Obtain the Engagement Rate for a specific period of time. When you enter, you will see the selected period in the graph.
You’ll obtain the total value in the blue box and the evolution displayed in the graphic, also in blue. Lastly, in the metrics chart you will obtain the Engagement for each post published, which will help you to know which publications attract more engagement.
This info is essential if you want to show your boss or clients the progress and results of your work on Facebook.
Working with the interactions and posts, we can determine the level of Engagement. As you can see above, it’s very easy to establish a comparison between the posts and check which one earned more reaches, interactions and has a higher engagement rate.
If you also have a Metricool premium account, you can download reports in PDF or PPT formats automatically as many times as you want. In this way you will be able to keep a monthly or weekly track of your engagement.
Tips to Increase Facebook Engagement
Measurement is the first step to improving engagement. Once you begin this process, we think you’ll also find the following tips useful:
📎 Publish original content that provides your fans with some value, utility and quality.
📎 Focus on your ideal client and not on yourself.
📎 Keep active by listening and interacting: Encouraging conversations, initiating debates… will generate publicity for your brand’s content and you will keep increasing your engagement on Facebook.
📎 Surprise your public: If you publish the same type of content as your competitor you won’t succeed. Be original!
📎 Crisis management. Negative or positive opinions should be an opportunity to keep improving and providing useful content. Knowing how to manage a crisis in decisive moments and benefiting from it is crucial to keep your followers satisfied.
You know best what’s going on with your own social network. Don’t use Facebook as a simple promotional window display, try to reach your users’ hearts, talk to them and pamper them.
In the end, a follower of your brand on Facebook is a potential client, brand evangelist or potential troll.
Are you ready to start measuring your Facebook engagement?
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