X Creator Ad Revenue Share Program

15 August 2023

X has officially announced that its creator ad revenue share program is now available to all creators worldwide. Ads revenue sharing lets you share revenue from verified users’ organic impressions of ads displayed in replies to content you post on X. 

This is to show their efforts in allowing users to make a substantial amount of money from posting on X. 

First Payouts 

The first payouts were quite substantial equalling thousands of dollars. This definitely piqued the interest of lots of creators on X. And as of now, all creators have the opportunity to make money off their posts.

Qualifications For X’s Ad Revenue Share Program: 

Because you have the opportunity to make a substantial amount of money, you must have a few qualifications:

  • Be subscribed to Blue or verified organizations 
  • requiring at least 5 million post impressions per month, for three consecutive months (you can now just have high engagement with some slow months and still qualify for payment)
  • Have at least 500 followers. 
  • Have a Stripe account- because payments will only be made through this. 
  • Must make at least a cumulative of $50 before the first payout

Where to access Ads Revenue Sharing

If you have completed all of the requirements listed above, you will now be able to begin monetizing your posts on X. Just head to your settings and if you are qualified you will be able to sign up!

X has continued to add and change every day. This is a big opportunity and seems like it will be rewarding and worth your time to try out the Ads Revenue Sharing opportunity. 

To stay up to date with all things X be sure to check out our blogs weekly as we post current updates on all things social media. To learn more in-depth about X, click the buttons below: 

sophie sophie , 15 August 2023

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