Add 20 Audio Tracks to Reels on Instagram

24 July 2024

A cool new feature just touched down on Instagram Reels! Instagram just announced that they will be adding a new feature that allows users to add multiple tracks to their Reels. 

This means that within the editing phase of your Reels creation, you can now add up to 20 different tracks to one reel. Each clip can now have a different audio track. 

How It Works

The process of adding multiple audio tracks is very user-friendly, all you will have to do is:

  1. Create a Reel: Start by recording or uploading your video content as usual.
  2. Add Audio Tracks: In the editing phase, select the “Audio” option. Here, you can browse and choose from Instagram’s extensive library of sounds, music, and effects.
  3. Layering Tracks: After selecting your first audio track, simply tap the “Add” button to layer additional tracks. You can adjust the volume and timing for each track to ensure they blend seamlessly.
  4. Preview and Edit: Take advantage of Instagram’s editing tools to preview how the audio tracks work together. Make any necessary adjustments to perfect your sound mix.
  5. Boom, post your Reel! 

As you can see in this example, you have the option to add multiple tracks and move them around between clips as well as merge the music together if you want as well. 

This new feature definitely offers users a huge creative reign with their Reels. You can make your own remix to a song, switch up the vibe for transformational content, and much more. 

It doesn’t stop there if you have made a cool new beat you are proud of, other creators can use the sound you created as well. With this new feature, the creativity is endless and we believe it will come with a ton of new trends to try out! 

Let us know, if will you be giving this feature a try. 

For more insightful information about Instagram Reels, be sure to give our complete head-to-toe 2024 Guide a read: 

sophie sophie , 24 July 2024

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