20 Photo Carousels Arrive on Threads

23 September 2024

Shortly after Instagram announced a new 20-photo limit to carousel posts on August 8th, Threads announced the same. Carousel posts on Meta’s Threads app can now include up to 20 images/videos. To kick this off, the @threads account posting this sneak preview: 

Post by @threads
View on Threads

To follow this up, @meta published this reply, carrying on the joke: 

Post by @meta
View on Threads

Metricool’s 2024 Instagram Study, the data found that carousels are content that achieves the highest average engagement rates, which could explain the focus on increasing image limits. 

Another reason for extending this feature to Threads is the ease of cross-posting to Instagram and Threads. Meta wants to create a content stream between the two platforms, encouraging users to cross-post to both platforms. 

While Threads is more of a micro-blogging platform, brands and creators can leverage their storytelling through the carousel format. 

This information is interesting for your Threads marketing strategy as you scale your presence on the platform. Do you already create carousels on Threads? If so, will you leverage this 20-photo limit? Let us know in the comments!

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 23 September 2024


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