Pinterest Image Size Guide

07 March 2024

If there is a social network where images, infographics, and videos are the center of everything, there is no doubt that we are talking about Pinterest. So if you are thinking of starting to create a marketing strategy for Pinterest, you need to pay attention to the specific right image sizes for this social media platform.

Size Guide for Pinterest Content

Pinterest already has 150 million active users. Every e-commerce, fashion brand, or gastronomic page should have an account to:

Improve the positioning of your website  (add your page’s link to the images).

✅ Be the perfect showcase for your brand.

Boost sales of your online store.

✅ Help you make your content go viral easily (recipes, infographics, product catalogs, videos …).

Now that you know the importance of visual content on Pinterest to engage with the user … Take note of the size you will need to use to make your images more attractive!

Profile image size on Pinterest

Like on any other social network, the profile photo you choose for your Pinterest account has to be an image representing your brand, such as the logo.

Do you have a personal profile? In this case, it is better that you use the same photograph in the rest of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. This way, users will easily recognize you.

  • The ideal size is: 165 pixels x 165 pixels
  • The minimum size: 160 pixels x 160 pixels
  • Format: It can be both JPG and PNG
images for Pinterest

Pinterest cover image size  

If you have a business account on Pinterest, you can add a photo or video for your header, in an aspect ratio of 16:9 (horizontal).

What measures do they require?

Image: at least 800 pixels wide and 450 high.

Video: maximum 2GBt. It can last up to 5 minutes, although the minimum is 4 seconds.

Pin size

You already know that a Pin on Pinterest refers to the photos or videos you upload to this platform, and since they are the protagonists of this social network, you must upload them with good quality and the correct size.

What happens if you don’t use the right size for your pins? They will lose resolution, and gray stripes may appear on each side to fill in the empty spaces in the photographs.

  • The proper size of a pin is 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Format: JPG or PNG

The width of each of your pins must be at least 600 pixels. Choose the length that you consider best since there is nothing established. As a guide, the optimal size for pins is 600 x 1102 pixels.

Vertical images are more successful on Pinterest than horizontal ones. Something that will come in handy when planning your content.

Cover image Pinterest boards

What are boards? If a pin is a photograph, a board is a set of pins. A board is a photo album where you can add as many pins as you want.

Now that you have an idea of ​​what it is, what is the right size for the cover image of your boards? To make the covers of your boards attractive and visible to Internet users, the ideal size is as follows:

  • Board cover dimension: 200 pixels x 150 pixels.
  • Format: JPG as PNG.

Miniatures of board covers

These thumbnails are the ones that accompany the cover image of each of the Pinterest photo albums. Becoming the perfect complement to achieve more engagement since they give the user a preview of what can be found inside the board.

  • The recommended size of cover thumbnails: is 100 pixels x 100 pixels.
  • Format: JPG or PNG.

Can You Use Pinterest Images for Free?

The answer to this is no. It is important to note that not all Pinterest images are copyright-free. Pinterest is indeed a platform where users can share and discover images, but the copyright of those images remains with the original owner. It is important to respect copyright laws and to only use images that you have permission to use.

How Long Should Pinterest Texts Be?

Once you have defined the images for Pinterest, what happens to the texts? Is it important to provide information in the photographs? What extension is recommended?

If you want your images to be positioned in this social network and, at the same time, also help you to position your website, you mustn’t miss the following list of tips:


It must contain between 3 and 15 characters.

Board name

Make sure it has an extension of 17 characters to catch your users’ attention.

images for Pinterest board name

Board description

Here, in addition to giving free rein to your imagination, it is vital that you use a close tone, that you do not exceed 500 characters, and that you do not forget to use the appropriate keywords so that users can find your boards in the guided search of Pinterest.

Text accompanying a Pin

We recommend that the description of each of your photographs be short if you want it to obtain a large number of repines. The ideal dimension is between 200 and 300 characters.

A trick: include hashtags to position your images and calls to action so that they are the most shared.

To put the icing on the cake to our list of tips, if you want your content on Pinterest to be the most shared, you must upload content that adds value to your followers. Content of value? Yes, that’s how it is. Images that provide useful or helpful information to your target audience. For example:

  • Different photos that recreate a story on each board.
  • Infographics showing tips or tricks.
  • Images that contain the evolution of a product or a company.
  • Photographs that solve a problem

We hope that this short guide with the different Pinterest image sizes will help you enter the front door of this social network.

For more tips, click on the following link. 👇🏻

Ready to start creating images on Pinterest?

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 07 March 2024

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