Instagram Auto Reply

04 October 2023

We all know that our lives can get unexpectedly busy, and people are constantly looking for ways to save time to fit more in their day. For everyone in the social media community, Instagram Auto Reply is a great way to save tons of your time. 

Consumers on social media are used to a fast-paced influx of content and communication. Especially when it comes to a business Instagram, it is common to receive tons of DM’s every day. Consumers expect and enjoy a quick response to their questions and comments. With the auto-reply feature, you are able to create custom responses to commonly asked questions and comments so that you can save time responding to everyone. 

Without further ado let’s dive into what the Instagram Auto Reply is, how to set it up, and how Metricool can help even further in regards to this feature. 

What Is an Instagram Auto Reply? 

The Instagram auto-reply is a quick and easy feature located in the messaging settings where you can program responses to all of the commonly asked questions you receive on a daily basis. 

For example, a commonly asked question for businesses is “What are your hours of operation?” you can easily set up an auto-response to every DM you receive that asks that question. 

So, how do you set it up? 

How to Set Up Instagram Auto Reply? 

There are three main ways you can set up your Auto Reply feature on Instagram. The three ways are: through your business account settings, through Meta Business Suite, or through a third-party inbox such as Metricool! Let’s take a look at each option more in-depth: 

Using Account Settings

  1. Locate your business profile settings page
  2. Click ‘Creator’ 
  3. Click on the “Saved replies or Frequently Asked Questions or Welcome message” button
  4. Enter your chosen brief responses
  5. Enter in the ‘Shortcut’ field

Using Meta Business Suite

  1. Open up your Business suite dashboard
  2. Choose the inbox option
  3. Select Instagram 
  4. Choose instant reply 
  5. Turn the option on 
  6. Set up your chosen responses

Using Metricool

Metricool works as a single inbox to manage all your social messages. Kiss all the unanswered comments, disappointed customers, and wasting time goodbye. 

You can utilize Metricool’s Saved Texts feature allows you to save texts that you use on a recurring basis in your posts. This includes your frequently used hashtags, common phrases, or links that you add to your posts. For a full in-depth tutorial of our Saved Text feature, click the button below:

To learn how to utilize all that Metricools Inbox feature has to offer, click here or watch the YouTube video below: 

How to Remove Instagram Auto Reply

Directly from Instagram:

Just as it is easy to set up your Instagram Auto Reply, it is just as easy to remove it. It matters where you set up your auto-reply, so if you set it up using your business settings on Instagram, just follow these simple steps: 

  1. Open Business Settings
  2. Open your list of saved replies
  3. Next, tap on the saved reply you wish to edit or delete from your list of responses
  4. Modify the wording or the shortcut
  5. To save your changes, tap the checkmark

From Meta Business Suite

  1. Log in to your Meta Business Suite account.
  2.  Select Inbox from the left pane.
  3. Click on Automation from the top.
  4. Set the Instant reply toggle to Off and then unmark the Instagram checkbox. Edit option from the desired set automated response
  5. Set the Instant reply toggle to Off and then unmark the Instagram checkbox
  6. Finally, click on Save Changes to disable auto-reply on Instagram.

From Metricool

  • Head to the Inbox section of the app.
  • Here you will see all of your social media messages, comments, and replies.
  • On the right side, you will see the Save Text option, with the sticky note icon.
  • Access all of your saved texts, and add new saved texts or delete saved texts.

Cases of Auto Reply on Instagram

  • Greetings– A greeting or an introduction would be a great type of autoreply to set up. This is where you can greet your followers, tell them a bit about your business, and or important information about your business. 
  • Contact Information– This is where you can add your business hours and share some other ways to contact you (your preferred way). 
  • Payment– if your business is offering a product or service, payment is a very commonly asked question, so this is a great way to answer those quick questions regarding prices and payment. 

To make your life even easier, we highly suggest giving Metricool a try especially when it comes to the organization of your inboxes. For more information, click the button below: 

sophie sophie , 04 October 2023

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