2024 LinkedIn Industry Data

The 2024 LinkedIn Study examined 41,170 LinkedIn company pages and a total of 1,578,969 posts over a span of 122 days. The study aimed to answer key questions such as the day of the week with the most engagement, the top-performing post type, and the average number of comments on LinkedIn posts.

We are now delving deeper into the data to provide insights for 19 specific industries or professional sectors analyzed in the 2024 LinkedIn Study. This includes determining the optimal day and time to post for maximum engagement in your industry, evaluating whether your posting frequency is appropriate, and assessing your hashtag usage. Continue reading below to discover more about your industry’s LinkedIn engagement trends.

1. Professional Services

The professional services sector encompasses businesses engaged in providing professional, scientific, and technical services to clients. This includes legal advice and representation, accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services, architecture, engineering, specialized design services, computer services, consulting services, research services, advertising services, photographic services, translation and interpretation services, veterinary services, and other professional, scientific, and technical services.

Key insights for the professional services industry

Professional services LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
8,863 305,750 34 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
3,175 8,010 6,689 4,645


Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
68.25 0.38 689.34 10.82 1.09 11.68%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
1,472,991 305,750 4.82


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
305.750 813.345 2,66

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the professional services: 

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10 am

According to the LinkedIn Study data, which analyzed 305,750 posts in the professional services industry, the most-shared type of post was a single image. On average, brands in this sector posted twice a week and used 4 to 5 hashtags per post. These findings provide valuable guidance for refining your LinkedIn strategy within the professional services industry.

2. Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry consists of businesses involved in utilizing mechanical, physical, or chemical processes to transform materials, substances, or components into new products. This includes assembly workers, machinists, welders, inspectors, production managers, and quality control analysts.

Key LinkedIn insights for the manufacturing industry

Manufacturing LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
4,722 144,425 31 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Vídeo
1,394 4,477 3,431 2,672

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
72.02 0.46 899.84 17.3 1.44 1.14%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
843,613 144,425 5.84


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
144,425 378,500 2.62

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the manufacturing industry: 

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Thursday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10am

The LinkedIn 2024 Study analyzed 144,425 manufacturing posts across 4,722 accounts, revealing an average of 5.84 hashtags and 2.62 emojis per post, with an average of two posts per week. This data can help you optimize your LinkedIn marketing strategy within the manufacturing sector.

3. Technology, Information, and Media

The technology, information, and media industry covers a diverse range of businesses that produce technology products, such as software and data analytics, and provide the means to transmit or distribute these products. This also includes entities involved in film and sound recording production, traditional broadcasting and Internet-only broadcasting, telecommunications, data processing, and web search portals and information services.

Key LinkedIn insights for the technology, information, and media industries

Technology LinkedIn Industry Data
Accounts Analyzed
Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
2.643 207.796 79 5

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
871 2,290 2,149 1,471

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
40.56 0.41 713.33 9.03 0.96 7.14%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
672,985 207,796 3.24


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
207,796 347,095 1.67

Posting on LinkedIn in the technology, information, and media industries:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10am

According to a 2024 LinkedIn Study, among 2,643 accounts in the technology, information, and media sectors, a total of 207,796 posts were published. The study found that each account typically posted around 5 times per week. In addition, the average number of hashtags used per account was 3.24, while the average use of emojis was significantly lower than other industries at 1.67.

4. Education

The education sector comprises a wide array of roles beyond teaching, including educational administrators, policy analysts, ed-tech professionals, career counselors, instructional coordinators, project managers, and educational technologists. These positions collectively contribute to improving educational practices, technology integration, policy development, and career guidance within the sector.

Key LinkedIn insights for the education sector

Education LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
2,063 106,644 52 3

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
733 1,900 1,696 1,234

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
74.35 0.42 870.63 12.53 1.15 10.16%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
419,257 106,644 3.93


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
106,644 294,489 2.76

Posting on LinkedIn in the education industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Wednesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10am

The 2024 LinkedIn Study analyzed 2,063 education accounts and 106,644 posts. The data reveals that educational accounts on LinkedIn posted, on average three times per week. Single-image posts got the most engagement on the platform, and contained an average of 3.93 hashtags, and 2.76 emojis.

5. Consumer Services

The consumer services sector incorporates a diverse range of roles, from leather, footwear, furniture, electronics, machinery, and auto repair; to personal services like laundry, pet care, and home services. These positions are dedicated to delivering products, assistance, and support directly to consumers, ensuring their needs are met and satisfaction is maintained.

Key LinkedIn insights for the consumer services industry

Consumer services LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,707 83,037 49 3

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
607 1,626 1,425 1,070

Metrics per post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
47.77 0.65 680.26 15.56 1.98 9.7%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
419,257 106,644 3.93


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
106,644 294,489 2.76

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the consumer services industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: 11am
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: Wednesday

The 2024 LinkedIn Study not only found the best days and times for consumer service accounts to post on LinkedIn, but also revealed an average of 3 weekly posts per account. Analyzing the 1,707 accounts and 83,037 posts, the study also found that each post contained an average of 2.76 emojis and 3.93 hashtags.

6. Administrative and Auxiliary Services

The administrative and auxiliary services industry includes roles that provide support for the daily operation of other organizations. This includes secretarial roles, staffing and placement, document preparation, security and surveillance services, cleaning, and waste disposal.

Key LinkedIn insights for the administrative and auxiliary services sector

Administrative LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,608 70,123 44 3

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
519 1,507 1,214 853

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
46.21 0.58 799.27 9.3 1.06 7.15%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
323,902 70,123 4.62


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
70,123 177,459 2.53

Posting on LinkedIn in the administrative and auxiliary services sector:

  • The best day to post on LinkedIn: Monday
  • The best time to post on LinkedIn: 1pm

The 2024 LinkedIn Study revealed that the average administrative or auxiliary services account on LinkedIn posts approximately 3 times per week and single-image content receives the most shares. In the administrative and auxiliary sector, analysis of 1,608 accounts and 70,123 posts shows an average of 4.62 hashtags and 2.53 emojis per post, emphasizing the importance of relevant hashtags and engaging visuals in enhancing content strategy within this sector.

7. Construction

The construction industry encompasses a variety of jobs and roles, which can be broadly categorized into four major types of construction or engineering projects: residential building, institutional and commercial building, specialized industrial construction, and infrastructure and heavy construction. This also includes roles and jobs like home repair, painting, and plumbing.

Key LinkedIn insights for the construction industry

Construction LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,592 45,216 28 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
451 1,502 1,057 818

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
78.75 0.41 691.44 12.65 0.98 13.42%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
237,637 45,216 5.26


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
45,216 123,583 2.73

Posting on LinkedIn in the construction industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Thursday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 11am

The 2024 LinkedIn Study analyzed 1,592 construction industry accounts on LinkedIn, comprising 45,216 posts. The study found that these accounts posted approximately twice per week. Furthermore, each post featured an average of 5.26 hashtags, 2.73 emojis, and garnered the highest engagement when they contained a single image, highlighting the importance of visuals and relevant hashtags in construction industry content strategies.

8. Financial Services

The financial services industry encompasses a wide range of job opportunities, including financial analysts, accountants, budget analysts, insurance sales agents, financial advisors, securities traders, portfolio managers, and quantitative analysts. These roles involve financial management, analysis, and decision-making, with varying levels of responsibility and specialization, catering to diverse career goals and interests.

Key LinkedIn insights for the financial services industry

Financial Services LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,585 67,536 43 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
589 1,498 1,212 891

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
112.59 0.57 977.04 14.88 1.37 13.25%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
273,200 67,536 4.05


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
67,536 160,045 2.37

Posting on LinkedIn in the financial services industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: 10am
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: Thursday

Across the 1,585 accounts and 67,536 posts on LinkedIn relating to the financial industry that were analyzed in the 2024 study, the data shows that most posts include an average of 4.05 hashtags and 2.37 emojis per piece of content. In addition, financial industry accounts post on average twice per week.

9. Hospitality

Hospitality includes brands that provide short-term lodging in establishments such as hotels, motels, AirBnB, and bed and breakfasts. However, the hospitality industry is a broad field that also covers other professions. These businesses often provide additional services to their guests, such as food and beverage management, casino management, sales management, executive chef services, housekeeping management, event planning, and entertainment management.

Key LinkedIn insights for the hospitality industry

Hospitality Services LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,346 35,217 26 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
306 1,265 904 738

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
62.1 0.46 669.44 13.61 1.1 11.54%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
207,839 35,217 5.9


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
35,217 90,513 2.57

Posting on LinkedIn in the hospitality industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Thursday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10am

In the 2024 LinkedIn Study, 1,346 LinkedIn accounts and 35,217 posts relating to the hospitality industry were analyzed. On average hospitality-related accounts posted twice a week on LinkedIn. In addition, hospitality posts include an average of 5.9 hashtags and 2.57 emoji per post.

10. Entertainment

The entertainment industry encompasses a wide range of brands that produce, promote, and participate in live shows, events, and exhibitions for public enjoyment, while also preserving and showcasing historical, cultural, and educational artifacts and sites. In addition, brands in the entertainment industry may manage facilities and offer services that cater to clients seeking recreational activities, entertainment, hobbies, and leisure pursuits.

Key LinkedIn insights for the entertainment industry

Entertainment Services LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,335 44,489 33 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
283 1.201 1.001 746

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
25,17 0,28 362,37 8,85 0,85 9,7


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
226.524 44.489 5,09


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
44.489 123.788 2,78

Posting on LinkedIn in the entertainment industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Wednesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10am

After analyzing 1,335 entertainment-related accounts on LinkedIn, along with their 44,489 posts and content, the data reveals that the average account posts approximately twice a week. These posts typically contain an average of 5.09 hashtags and 2.78 emojis each.

11. Real Estate and Equipment Rental Services

The rental services sector includes businesses that offer rental, leasing, or the use of physical or non-physical assets. Real estate includes companies that provide associated services like real estate management for clients, facilitating real estate sales, rentals, or purchases on behalf of others, as well as conducting real estate appraisals.

Key LinkedIn insights for real estate and equipment rental industries

Real State LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,270 49,566 39 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
393 1,158 883 718

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
24.28 0.2 233.77 5.41 0.49 13%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
268,358 49,566 5.41


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
49,566 147,692 2.98

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the real estate and rental industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 12am

In the 2024 LinkedIn Study analysis of 1,270 real estate and equipment rental accounts and their 49,566 posts, it was discovered that the average account posted twice a week.  These posts, focusing on real estate and equipment rental, typically contained an average of 5.41 hashtags and 2.98 emojis.

12. Healthcare

The healthcare industry provides medical care and support services to promote individual health, including both healthcare-focused and combined healthcare-social assistance services. The healthcare industry includes a wide range of jobs, including positions such as medical laboratory technician, EKG technician, and health information technician, as well as advanced careers like registered nurse, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant.

Key LinkedIn insights for the healthcare industry

Health Care LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,146 43,480 38 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
302 1,069 860 670

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
36.67 0.3 460.35 9.32 1.07 10.29%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
210,715 43,480 4.85


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
43,480 106,435 2.45

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the healthcare industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 11am

Of the 1,146 healthcare accounts and 43,480 related posts that were analyzed in the 2024 LinkedIn Study, it’s shown that LinkedIn accounts related to healthcare post an average of two times per week. These LinkedIn posts are shown to have an average of 4.85 hashtags, and use an average of 2.45 emojis per post.

13. Retail

The retail industry involves businesses selling goods or services to the public and encompasses many different types of jobs, from entry-level positions like sales associates and cashiers to management roles such as retail directors and district managers. Other jobs in the retail industry include positions like retail account managers, market development managers, and customer service managers.

Key LinkedIn insights for the retail industry

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,040 27,896 27 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
252 951 683 543

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
59.55 0.31 509.01 9.1 0.77 13.7%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
182,175 27,896 6.53


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
27.896 83.967 3.01

Posting on LinkedIn in the retail industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 4pm

The 2024 LinkedIn Study analyzed 1,040 retail industry accounts and 27,896 posts, finding that posts with a single image were the most shared on the platform. The average retail-focused LinkedIn account posted twice a week, with each post using an average of 6.53 hashtags and 3.01 emojis.

14. Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Storage

The transportation, logistics, supply chain, and storage sectors manages the transportation, storage, and distribution of goods and materials, offering a wide range of job opportunities. This includes transportation drivers, logistics analysts, supply chain managers, and warehouse operations managers, global logistics managers and vice presidents of logistics and supply chain management.

Key LinkedIn insights for the transportation, logistics, supply chain, and storage industry

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
1,022 32,112 31 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
296 962 719 544

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
63.92 0.5 771.72 15.87 1.46 10.59%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
176,575 32,112 5.5


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
32,112 81,013 2.52

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the transportation, logistics, supply chain, and storage industry: 

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 1pm


In the 2024 LinkedIn Study, 1,022 transportation, logistics, supply chain, and storage industry accounts with a total of 32,112 posts were analyzed. It’s shown that the average transportation, logistics, supply chain, and storage industry account on LinkedIn posted two times per week. Transportation, logistics, supply chain, and storage industry posts contain an average of 5.5 hashtags and 2.52 emojis.

15. Public Administration

The Public Administration industry includes a wide range of jobs and career paths focused on improving communities and public services, including administrative officer, public affairs specialist, public relations manager, urban planner, budget analyst, and logistics analyst. This often involves working in government agencies, non-profit organizations, healthcare facilities, universities, schools, private corporations, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Key LinkedIn insights for the public administration sector

Government LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
886 47,062 53 3

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
310 843 718 535

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
60.44 0.43 840.84 14.26 1.54 9.12%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
192,890 47,062 4.1


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
47,062 140,885 2.99

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the public administration industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Thursday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 9am

The 2024 LinkedIn Study analyzed 886 public administration accounts and 47,062 posts, revealing that the average public administration-related LinkedIn post contained around 4.1 hashtags and 2.99 emojis. Furthermore, public administration accounts on LinkedIn typically posted twice a week, and posts featuring a single image were the most shared on the platform.

16. Wholesaling

The wholesaling industry acts as an intermediary between manufacturers and retailers, acquiring products in bulk and distributing them to retailers. Various roles include internal wholesalers concentrating on sales and marketing, wholesale intake managers managing partner experience and loan submissions, wholesale sales workers selling goods to businesses, wholesale assistants aiding account executives, and wholesale buyers procuring items for resale.

Key LinkedIn insights for the wholesale industry

Wholesale LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
827 25,801 31 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
254 775 577 440

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
39.12 0.27 457.11 11.47 1.19 11.39%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
147,297 25,801 5.71


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
25,801 81,768 3.17

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the wholesale industry: 

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Friday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 12pm

In the 2024 LinkedIn Study, researchers analyzed 25,801 posts from 827 accounts related to wholesaling. On average, each account posted twice a week and included 5.71 hashtags and 3.17 emojis in each post.

17. Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry Engineering

The agriculture, livestock, and forestry engineering industry covers a range of positions focused on managing and conserving natural resources. Roles in this field include farmers, agricultural workers, shepherds, farm managers, and agricultural technicians. These professionals handle responsibilities like animal care, farming operations, and land management. Moreover, careers in forestry, wildlife management, landscaping, and land-based engineering are also parts of this industry.

Key LinkedIn insights for the agriculture, livestock, and forestry engineering industry

Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry Engineering LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
448 17,345 39 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
179 432 333 292

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
79.03 0.45 1,059.12 19.2 1.34 9.44%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
88,152 17,345 5.08


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
17,345 62,972 3.63

Description Word Count

Average word count

Posting on LinkedIn in the agriculture, livestock, and forestry engineering industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 9am

In the 2024 LinkedIn Study analyzing 448 accounts and 17,345 posts in agriculture, livestock, and forestry engineering, we found that most accounts posted twice a week on average. LinkedIn posts in this industry typically included an average of 5.08 hashtags and 3.63 emojis.

18. Oil, Gas, and Mining

The oil, gas, and mining industry includes roles involved in the exploration, extraction, production, and distribution of natural resources. Jobs under this industry include drillers, project managers, geologists, maintenance workers, petroleum engineers, miners, and various other positions responsible for activities like drilling, mining, refining, and exploration.

Key LinkedIn insights for the oil, gas, and mining industry

Oil, Gas, and Mining LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
324 12,305 38 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
129 317 233 193

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
264.39 1.04 2,360.62 33.74 2.64 12.79%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
48,879 12,305 3.97


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
12,305 28,187 2.29

Posting on LinkedIn in the oil, gas, and mining industry:

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 5am

In the 2024 LinkedIn Study, 12,305 posts from 324 accounts related to oil, gas, and mining were analyzed. The study found that the average account in this industry posted twice a week, with each post containing an average of 3.97 hashtags and 2.29 emojis.

19. Public Services and Utilities

The public services and utilities sector covers entities that provide essential services such as electrical power, natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and wastewater disposal. This industry includes the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy; the distribution of natural gas; the supply and/or distribution of steam; the treatment and distribution of water; and the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater through sewer systems and treatment facilities.

Key LinkedIn insights for the public services and utilities industry

Utilities LinkedIn Industry Data

Accounts Analyzed 

Accounts Posts Average posts per period Average posts per week
182 9,388 52 2

Post Type

Carousel Image Other Video
62 176 149 106

Metrics per Post

Average number of clicks Average number of comments Average number of impressions Average number of likes Average number of shares Engagement
93.49 0.48 1,375.06 18.47 2.45 8.35%


Total hashtags used Posts Average number of hashtags per post
34,098 9,388 3.63


Posts Emojis Average number of emojis per post
9,388 27,030 2.88

Posting on LinkedIn in the public services and utilities industry: 

  • Best day to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday
  • Best time to post on LinkedIn: 10am

In the 2024 LinkedIn Study, 182 accounts and 9,388 posts related to public services and utilities were analyzed. The study found that the average account in this sector posted twice a week, with each post typically containing an average of 3.63 hashtags and 2.88 emojis.

Manage Your Brand’s LinkedIn with Metricool

Armed with the 2024 LinkedIn Study data for your brand’s industry it’s time to start posting. 

Metricool empowers you to manage your brand’s LinkedIn account effectively by allowing you to create, schedule, and post content directly on the platform. Furthermore, Metricool offers in-depth analytics for your LinkedIn account and posts, allowing you to monitor your brand’s performance and interact with your audience by replying to LinkedIn messages directly from the Metricool dashboard.

In addition to LinkedIn, Metricool is here to help you to manage all your brand’s social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. With Metricool, you can create and track ad campaigns, generate custom reports, and discover trending hashtags to boost your brand’s posts across various platforms.

By utilizing Metricool’s features, you can simplify your social media management process, analyze performance metrics, and enhance your brand’s online presence, ultimately contributing to the achievement of your brand’s marketing goals.

Gretchen Oestreicher Gretchen Oestreicher , 21 May 2024
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