Online advertising with Metricool: All its features

Are you developing an online ad strategy for your company?

If you are already underway or about to start with these types of actions in your digital marketing strategy, you might have already realized that it’s not an easy task and also, apart from creating ad campaigns you must analyze their performance and generate reports to compare your strategies.

With Metricool you can do everything in one place:

Create your Google and Facebook ads


Manage your campaigns and ads


Analyze and extract reports about your ad campaigns

Create your campaigns on Google and Facebook Ads from Metricool

Create your campaigns from scratch from Metricool and select the Ads tab that appears on the main menu of our tool.

Then, click Create Campaign, where you will start creating your campaigns from scratch through Metricool.

✅ Fill out the main information related to your campaign: Name and URL. Then, if you want to create a campaign on Google Ads, you can choose between the types Search or Display. On the other hand, if you want to develop a campaign on Facebook, you must select the objective of that campaign.

Demographic information:Choose the types of users that your ads are directed to.

Audience: Select the interests of your target audience. (this part is optional)

✅ Search and select the keywords that you want to position your ads for. This step will only appear when you choose to create a Google Ad campaign.

Design your campaign: choose a picture, your logo and data such as the name of your company or the title for the ad. Preview how the ad would display once it is published.

Budget: Insert an average daily budget for your campaign and how the limit will establish (manually or automatically)

✅ Review the summary of your campaign that you’ve just created and if everything seems correct, validate it.

Manage your online campaigns with Metricool

There is no need to leave Metricool to manage your Google and Facebook ad campaigns. Don’t switch platforms to see how things are going for your Google campaigns and how your Facebook ad campaigns are performing too. You can review everything from Metricool and make the necessary changes  according to their results along the way.

To do so, click on the tab Campaigns, within the Ads sections and you will see the following chart:

Campañas Google Ads

You will be able to review all your campaigns with all the relevant information at a glance. If you click each of them, you will see a drop-down menu where you can check more information in detail by:

▶️ Ad groups

▶️ Ads

▶️ Keywords (if you are managing a Google ad campaign)

You can filter this chart by one or several metrics and also, choose either Facebook or Google ad campaigns, or both together. Besides, you can sort the chart by any of the metrics available.

Measure and analyze the Quality Score of your Google Campaigns

Apart from being able to manage your online campaigns from Metricool, you can discover the Quality Score of your Google campaigns and ad groups.

You will be able to check how Google scores your campaigns, both in general and for each of the factors that Google considers relevant and evaluates individually:

  • Percentage of expected clicks
  • Relevance of the ad
  • Landing experience

✅  You can learn the performance and the quality of your ads and campaigns

✅ You can discover when the campaign or part of the funnel is failing.

✅  You will be able to act accordingly and improve the performance of your ads.

First column: Overview

Here you will see the general data of each campaign:

  • Keywords
  • Quality Score: The general quality score of your keywords.
  • Spent: The amount of money invested.

Second column: Search
It’s the first part of the funnel of your keywords.

  • Impressions: the number of users who have seen your ad.
  • Search Score: The quality score of this phase.

Third column: creativity
You can analyze how many users who have seen the ad have clicked on it.

  • Clicks: the clicks that the ad has received.
  • CTR: percentage of clicks between the number of prints.
  • Creative Score: The quality score of this second phase.

Fourth column: Landing
In this last column you can see the data corresponding to the conversion of your keywords.

  • Conversion ratio: the percentage of people who have converted
  • The number of conversions
  • Landing score: the quality score of the landing of your keywords.

Analyze your online ad campaigns

Finally, Metricool allows you to analyze your online campaigns during any period of time.

In the Evolution section, you can select the digital advertising platform that you want to analyze: Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

You will learn everything about:

✅ The reach of your campaigns

✅ The results of your campaigns

✅ The performance

✅ A chart with the detail of each campaign along with their main metrics that you can organize depending on which one interests you the most.

✅ Lastly, if you are analyzing Google Ads, it will be available another chart with the detail of each keywords along with their metrics that you can also organize as you want.

Both charts can be downloaded it in a CSV file for further analysis if you have a Premium account.

Facebook Ads campaigns

Besides, if you want to compare two time spans or different strategies of your campaigns, you can download a report with all the information in the section: Generate Report

▶️ Choose the dates and the sections that you want to appear in your report

▶️ Add the logo of your company or personal brand

With Metricool you can develop your online advertising strategy with no need to leave the platform.

✅ Save time by avoiding switching platforms..

✅ Analyze, make informed decisions and act. Make any necessary changes on your campaigns directly.

✅ Create, manage and analyze.

✅ Download reports for each platform or both together to see the total performance of your online advertising strategy.

Do you want to discover other features that Metricool offers?

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 06 February 2020

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Our latest research reveals where social media is heading—what’s thriving, what’s fading, and what it means for your strategy.

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