TikTok is Testing a Collaboration Feature

21 May 2024

Is TikTok rolling out a new feature that is a lot like Instagram’s collaboration feature? It looks like it to us! 

If you are unaware of the Instagram Collaboration feature, it enables users to tag another user in their post and if the user accepts the collaboration, the post would then show up on both of their profiles and posted to both of their followers. 

No shock here, but now TikTok is implementing basically the same feature onto their platform. 

How Will The TikTok Collaborator Feature Work 

Just as Instagram’s collaborator feature soon on TikTok you will be able to tag other creators and then it will show up on their page and their followers will be able to see it. 

This is a great way to work with influencers or just expand your post’s overall reach. Here are some of the characteristics that the feature will have: 

  • Creators will be able to tag up to 5 other creators  
  • When tagged in a collaborative post, you will have to approve or decline the request 
  • Users can choose to remove themselves as creator after the fact
  • Although the post will show up on both pages, only the original creator will be able to edit the post
  • You will be allowed to add collaborators to up to 4 posts per month

We think this will be a valuable new feature to expand your reach on your posts and provide a cool and fun way to post about new features or work with influencers. 

This feature is yet to hit the platform just yet, but as soon as we hear an update we will be sure to update this blog with the most current information, so be sure to check back! 

Did you know you can create and schedule collaborative posts on Instagram using Metricool? Well now you do! Check out our full article linked below to learn how! 

sophie sophie , 21 May 2024

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