How to receive the TikTok verification badge

24 January 2023

Like on any social network, on TikTok you can also get the blue badge that credits your account as verified. But, how can you verify your TikTok account? We will tell you.

Verify TikTok account

The TikTok verification badge guarantees the identity of the content creator, and that the account belongs to and represents them. 

These badges can only be awarded by TikTok itself. That is, they cannot be purchased from external pages or mobile applications. 

It is easy to recognize if the verification is fake, since an official verified account has the badge to the right of the username both in your profile and in the search results. If it appears on the other side of the profile, such as on your timeline, it is not a verified TikTok account.

How to verify your TikTok account

Follow these steps to request verification of your TikTok account: 

  • Enter TikTok and click on the Profile button. Then on the Menu button. 
  • Go to Settings & Privacy. Within this section, go to Manage Account and then to Verification
  • You can do this for any account. For the company account, only the verification of the company account. But for personal accounts, you can request personal and institutional verification.
  • Finally, TikTok guides you through all the steps you need to follow to finish verifying your account.

TikTok verification query page

Requirements to verify TikTok account

After seeing the steps to request TikTok verification, keep in mind that the social network asks for some requirements to grant you this blue check: 

➡️ Meet account requirements

According to TikTok, there are certain factors of a profile that they take into account before granting the verification badge: 

  • Be active: Logged in within the last six months 
  • Authenticity: Your account represents a real entity, person or business. 
  • That it’s complete: You must have a public account and complete the current information. 
  • It’s highlighted: Accounts that appear in multiple new sources spark TikTok’s interest
  • Secure account: You must have two-factor authentication with a verified email. 

➡️ Accept TikTok’s terms of service and rules 

With this aspect TikTok tries to keep its platform a safe and fun place for all users. So, content creators must also follow this to achieve verification. 

As you can see, getting account verification on TikTok is not something you get overnight. So get it together and work hard to achieve it. 

Despite not having a contact email, on the TikTok support page you can ask general questions about account verification.

Go to the contact page, select the ‘Account verification’ topic and enter your query.

Why does TikTok verify accounts?

TikTok’s goal of awarding badges to content creators is to help every user of the platform know that you are following that person’s account. 

✅The content they see on the creator’s profile is real. 

✅For famous people or celebrities, it helps to avoid identity theft. 

✅Increases trust between users and content creators.  

In this way, TikTok tries to prevent those fake or fan accounts from being considered as the real profile of the creator. 


Avoid buying or negotiating verification badges on TikTok with pages that assure you that they will be awarded to you. 

These badges are not marketed, it is illegal and, in addition to losing money, you can lose your TikTok account and the content you have on it. 

What type of accounts can be verified on TikTok?

  • Content creators that are really popular on social media, that have more than a million followers, can have their accounts verified.

Example: Zatch King became popular on social media, and now has over 60 million followers.

  • Personalities and celebrities that are famous outside the platform: actors, singers, sports stars, among others.

Example: Actor Will Smith is a Hollywood celebrity and has a verified TikTok account.

  • Popular users, who are not quite celebrities, and haven’t got a big following on TikTok, can get the blue tick.

Example: The MLS is the Major League Soccer, the North American soccer league. Despite having “only” 278 thousand followers, they still have a verified TikTok account.

  • Potentially popular users

If you have a popular TikTok account, which is growing and posting daily content. If the team that manages the application believes that someone could impersonate your identity, or plagiarize your content, they can verify your account.

Why Might TikTok Remove Verification Badge?

TikTok has the ability to remove anyone’s verification badge at any time without their consent. But why might they choose to do this?

  • The account was transferred to another owner which would make the verification inauthentic.
  • The username changed so the account which means the owner would need to re-apply for verification.
  • The account type changed from business, personal, or institution.
  • The account repeatedly or severely violated their Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

Can You Buy TikTok Verification?

The answer to this is no. Unlike Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you cannot buy the verification badge. It has to be given based on the requirements above and can be taken away at any time.

Now you know how to verify a TikTok account, so get down to business and measure the performance of your videos with Metricool.  You can also schedule your TikTok videos and download your activity reports with our tool.

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 24 January 2023

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