How to Change Your Username on X (Twitter)
Do you want to add some spice to your X (Twitter) account and do you want to start with a new username?
Beforehand, it’s important to know that some features make up a ‘username’:
✅ It starts with the “@” symbol, and it’s exclusive to your account. In other words, two usernames cannot be the same.
✅ It appears in the URL of your Twitter account. So, your profile in the browser address bar is: + username.
✅ It is used to sign-in on the device on which you want to use Twitter. This is one of the options, along with your email address or phone number.
✅ Users can search for your profile using your username. This appears both in the search suggestions and in the results.
Now you know a little more about what your username means for your account, which might be useful when it comes to picking your Twitter handle.
Your username is different and unrelated to your profile name on Twitter. It’s the part that appears after the “@” and doesn’t contain any symbols.
There are no “rules” here, you can add spaces, for instance. You can write something fun or use your real name and change it for special events, or tell people you’re on holiday.

How to Change Your Twitter Handle
Now we’ll tell you how to change your username on Twitter.
Follow these steps and choose your new username.

1. Log in to Twitter
Select the account for which you want to change your Twitter handle or username and login.
2. Click on Settings and Privacy
To get to this page, you need to click on the “More” button in the left-hand column, above the “Tweet” button.
3. Click on ‘Account Information’
Here you’ll find all the information about your Twitter account: your current username, the associated phone number, the email address, and when you created your Twitter account.
To get to this part, Twitter will ask for your password. This stops anyone from getting in without your consent and changing your password, username, etc.

4. Enter your new Twitter username
Write out the new Twitter username that you want for your profile. If you’re not convinced, Twitter will suggest various recommendations related to your current name.
In any case, if you choose one already in use, the platform will inform you that it’s already taken.

5. Click on Save
If you’ve already chosen your new username, click on “Save” and your username will now be updated.
Now that you have a new handle, do you think this will affect your account at all?
What Happens When You Change Your Username on Twitter?
First thing first, don’t worry about it. You won’t lose any content or followers if you change your username.
Twitter won’t penalize you for it either. However, be careful. If you constantly make changes in a short space of time, Twitter may think you are a bot and delete your account.
What other consequences are there to changing my username on Twitter?
⚡️ Twitter will keep your current followers, but it’s worth letting your community know so that they aren’t surprised when they see a new username.
⚡️ Tweets, as well as DMs and replies. In this regard, the content remains the same.
⚡️ While your Tweets won’t vanish, if you want to find one that you posted before changing your username, you might have to do it using your old one.
⚡️ When you save your new username, the old one will be freed up for another user to use. If someone takes your old username, you won’t be able to get it back.
Tips for Choosing Your Twitter Username
What name should you choose? Here are some tips to help you make up your mind.
Your new Twitter username needs to be…
Easily identifiable
For example, if you’re going to gear your profile towards your personal brand, you need to use a name that will make you easy to find.
The name of your business or the name you go by on other platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, or Twitch.
Short and sweet
A long username with a lot of punctuation, numbers, and other elements might not be easy to remember.
It’s a better idea to have a simple Twitter handle with very few characters so that users who don’t know you will remember you when they come across your profile.
There are some limits for the Twitter username you choose.
Twitter handles must meet the following requirements: Minimum 4 characters, and a maximum of 15.
What’s more, they can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, no spaces.
Differentiate between your other brand profiles
Do you have various business profiles or a personal account on Twitter? Add elements to your username to set them apart.
For example, if you have one account in English and another in Spanish, you could add an “ES” for the Spanish one and an “EN” to the English one.
Ranking in the search results
If it doesn’t look awkward and you have space, adding a keyword for your sector to your username might make it easier to find on the network.
Marketing and social media are words that could be crucial to set you apart if you want to reach users through search engines.
With these tips, you can start thinking about what Twitter username you want for your profile. Remember, when you’ve thought of one, click save to finalize your changes.
If you have any questions, we’ll be waiting in the comments section.