Copywriting for Social Media: 7 “Magic” Formulas

How can copywriting on social media give you the extra boost you’ve been missing to liven up your marketing strategies on social media

Social media has become an ideal tool for reaching a large number of potential clients at once. So, you create social media accounts for your business, and boom! Potential clients and fans can now see your profiles. 

But now comes the difficult part, how can you maintain a connection with this audience? 

Let’s start at the beginning, and that is, what is copywriting? 

The term copywriting can be defined as any persuasive writing on behalf of a business or brand. The idea or objective is to have your client perform a specific action, through technical writing and persuasion. 

A good piece of copywriting is a definitive step to “persuade” and achieve a sale from your ideal client.

Social Media Copywriting to Persuade Your Audience 

In the same way that you can sell your product through copy, good copywriting on social media can attract your ideal: 

✅To give a like on your post or follow your account. 

✅To leave a comment on your post. 

✅To purchase one of your products, or courses, for example. 

By resonating and relating to your clients, you can push them towards the action you desire. Yet be careful, this isn’t a hypnosis session. 

Your objective, through social media copywriting, is to make your clients feel heard as if your brand and audience are one. 

It’s also important to stand out from your competitors. Your audience, like many of us, is fed up with the flood of paid ads and sales attempts on social media. 

7 Home-Run Copywriting Frameworks on Socials 

Now that you understand the basics behind copywriting on social media, ready for the next step? We are going to share a variety of copywriting techniques to succeed on social media. You can follow these copywriting frameworks for a structured way to push your product or brand, in a non-invasive way. 

✅ AIDA Formula 

The first formula, called the AIDA Formula, is a technique that explains the benefits of your product or service, through understanding your audience’s needs, to convince them to invest in your product.

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Each one of these represents a stage in the buying process. 

In the first step, you need to capture the client’s attention so they become interested in your brand or product. In the second stage, you need to put yourself in your client’s shoes, to feel the desire to buy something from your brand so ultimately, it’s accompanied by an action. 

✅ PAS Formula 

A technique that is well-known in the copywriting world is the PAS formula. This is a process that allows the construction of texts to persuade your ideal client. This can be a very useful technique on social media, as well as for writing emails. 

What does it consist of? Three important acronyms follow this framework: 

  • Problem: What keeps your audience up at night? In this first step, find out what your audience needs.
  • Agitation: Perhaps the most creative stage, this is the moment to create different scenes in which their problem continues to arise. 
  • Solution: Now is the time to add value to your product, and how it can help solve their pain point. 

For this formula or framework to work, it’s very important to understand your audience’s needs and interests. If the problem doesn’t match your audience’s, it will likely not resonate with them at all. 

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✅ BAB Formula 

This technique is also known as the Bridge formula, which shows your audience how they can go from a disadvantageous situation to an ideal situation with your product.

However, first, you need to keep in mind the acronym that precedes it: Before, After, Bridge. 

In the first stage, Before, it’s key to know what has happened to your client or what they need to improve, a concern they identify with. In the After stage, you need to present the most ideal situation in which your client’s problem has been eliminated. 

The Bridge stage, the final step, is the time to show your strengths, so your client can see how the adverse situation has transformed. 

✅ UUUU Formula 

One of the keys to copywriting is to not get tangled up by the small details and go off the deep end. Getting straight to the point is important to keep in mind when you’re writing. 

In this case, the UUUU formula is one more characteristic of short texts. Brevity and usefulness come together to create this type of copy. 

Which follows this framework:





✅ PPPP Formula 

The formula of the 4 P’s (impossible to forget, right?) bases its success on the social proof of testimonials, opinions, etc. to validate your work. 

As customary in almost all formulas, these four P’s are acronyms to indicate the components. Another standard is the first step, which attacks the user’s pain point. This second step is directly offering the solution, your product, through your specific value proposition. 

The third P is social proof, the base of this formula, which takes you to include all testimonials and reviews to help achieve the sale. 

The final stage of this framework is to include a CTA which prompts the customer to take action. 

✅ FAB Formula 

Perhaps the formula that is farthest from the copywriting mentioned before, because in this case, it’s not about addressing the user’s pain point, but about making your product attractive. 

So the “F” of the FAB formula is “feature” or in other words, characteristics. Before thinking about the client’s situation, first, you need to emphasize all of the benefits of your product or service, mentioning its advantages and particularities. 

The “A” corresponds to the “advantages”, something habitual in marketing, which is differentiating your brand from your competitors by presenting the advantages of your product. 

And lastly, I’m sure you’ve already guessed, the benefits. In this part get creative, attract your client to your service, and show them what they can achieve by choosing your product. 

✅ PASTOR Formula 

The last formula in this post is perhaps the most complex. This doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be the most successful, and each step should be adapted to the target audience. 

PASTOR stands for Problem, Agitation, Solution, Testimonia, Offer, and Response. 

The first step, Problem,  of course, is to put yourself in the shoes of the client to understand the issue they are facing. The Agitation step exemplifies the catastrophes of this problem, showing the consequences that this can have on a business or person. 

And this is where you set the scene. Well, rather your product or service, which can help the client find the Solution to the problem. Testimonials are once again a key element to validating and strengthening your product.

The final two phases of this process are when you can go all out: Present your clients with an Offer and include a call to action to receive that Response. 

Social Media Copy Examples

Copywriting on social media should be a must in your social media strategy. However, each social network is its own world, with its own intricacies, strengths, and weaknesses. Therefore we have created some guidelines in preparing strong copy for the different social networks. 

Social Media Copy for Facebook 

The most active of the main three social networks, Facebook has a very open and social nature. 

Short and easy-to-read texts that can capture the audience’s attention. 

→ Taking advantage of Facebook’s multimedia content possibilities (videos, images, lives, Reels).

Links to share related content to your page, both internal and external links. 

Social Media Copy for X (Twitter)

Twitter is a unique social network, that has undergone many changes in recent years. However, it remains to be an informative, brief, and conversational network. Plus, users can search on Twitter for information that they want to read or share. 

How can you become more productive on Twitter? 

Organized and clean copy. If your message is difficult to put into limited characters or is confusing, you can say goodbye to an interaction. 

Hashtags are your friend and can help you reach a larger audience. Similar to Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak, “use it well”. Only use hashtags that will be beneficial for users to search for and find your content. 

Activity is important, and so is saying something that will provoke a conversation through RT’s, likes, mentions, or comments. 

Social Media Copy for Instagram 

An image or video is the first attention-grabber on this social network. A high-quality image or video assures you, at the very least, to reach a larger audience. And if it’s interesting to the users, then you already have a like. 

What are the ins and outs of Instagram? 

Clear and concise message. Being an image and video-heavy network, few people stop to read. The perfect combination is an eye-catching image with clear text. 

Be careful with links in posts, because on Instagram they don’t work. However, you can utilize a tool like Metricool’s SmartLinks or add it to your bio. 

Utilize multimedia content. Photos with effects, Reels, and carousels. If you play around with this different content, you have already won. 

Now you understand the importance of copywriting on social media. Will you incorporate any of the tips or formulas we’ve shared into your strategy? 

If you have any questions or want to share a type of copy or framework that has worked well for your brand, let us know in the comments! 

Social Media Copywriting Tips

Although you may already know this, social media isn’t as easy as receiving a retweet or like for magical growth within your community. 

Capturing your audience with quality content, leaving advice, or sharing personal anecdotes can be useful elements for your strategy.

So therefore I will leave a few tips that can help your clients before more than just clients. 

Sharing is alive 

Try to continue “gifting” your audience with useful and relevant content that they want to share with their audience. Whether it specifically mentions your brand or not, it’s better to share content outside of your brand so that you aren’t continuing to push a sale. 

Also, if the content is accompanied by a link you can drive traffic to your website or store.

Curisority doesn’t kill the cat

One of the most important aspects of being human is to never stop asking questions. And if you have a coffee in front of you, even the least relevant can seem interesting if you have an eye-catching question.

Not only to get into reading something but also to debate it. A well-thought-out question or one that invites a user to respond is sure to have success in a Facebook post, a tweet, or an Instagram caption. 

Am I right? 😉

Personal factors also play a role

If someone can resonate with a personal story directly, this can help a client feel identified and heard. While stories of overcoming defeat are widely recognized by the public, you can try another angle for your personal story.

A success story related to your product or service, for example, can serve as the biggest “call to action” for your social channel. And in this case, everyone wins. 

Attention is paramount 

Staying connected to the community you have built through original content, eye-catching products, or offers, for example, is a long-term goal you should strive for. 

Also, if your ideal customer feels aligned with your brand, and you continue to engage with them, that is a long-term customer won. 

Use artificial intelligence 

By no surprise, AI has swept the industry for those days you are lacking content ideas. Among the variety of great options, we recommend using Metricool’s artificial intelligence assistant. 

This this feature, you can ask the AI assistant for a specific text and the tool will generate 5 new text ideas, just like that. Create your free Metricool account and access our AI assistant, content planning across multiple social media platforms, in-depth analytics of your content, and more! 

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 04 January 2024

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