How to create a webinar: step by step guide 

09 February 2023

One of the most effective marketing actions to attract more users to a brand is through webinars: informational content in video format, usually taught live. You have probably seen a webinar before or heard about them, right? But how do you actually make a webinar? 

To try to answer these questions, we have prepared this guide to explain step by step how to organize and what steps to take in order to create a webinar. 

How to create a webinar

If you are going to put together a webinar, you know you have something to tell and what value you can add to the user. 

This can be training on a particular topic, a demonstration of a product or service you offer, or even a conversation with another guest specialist in the field. 

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, as we first need to focus on the organization of a webinar and the obstacles you must face. We will break this down into: before creating the content, during the webinar, and after the broadcast. 

Before you begin: Starting steps 

You’ve decided to go for it and create your own webinar event. Great! But where do you start? 

The first thing you should do is think about what topic your webinar is going to be about, that is, define the content. For this guide, we are going to use an example of a webinar we organized in Metricool, “How to win clients as a freelancer on social media.”

Therefore, we already have the topic, which is how to win clients on social media as a freelancer. The next step is to think about who you are targeting. Think of groups of users who are interested in this content such as, of course, freelancers, social media managers, marketing agencies, or digital marketing specialists. 

The title of the webinar is key to attracting the maximum number of registrants. This is where you need to get creative, while also being aware that the title should clearly express what you are going to talk about. 

If you already have the content, targeted audience, and title, it’s time to choose the date and time. In this case, it may be indifferent, but if you have the option, take advantage of the webinar launching the same day as a new feature of your service or product. 

In our case, we chose early January, to inspire and educate viewers on how they can improve the way they work with clients in the new year. 

Before you begin: recruitment 

The time has come to attract users who will be interested in your webinar: basically, get viewers and leads interested in your brand, product, or business. 

In what two ways can you get that capture? 

  • Creating a landing page: this technique is very common in marketing, the creation of a landing page to get user data. You have the option to create it directly from your website or on another website, like Eventbrite. 
  • Promote the webinar on your social accounts through content on different networks, ads on Facebook and Instagram, as well as events. 

With this not only will you ensure you get registrations and leads from “cold users” but that your community is interested in your content and also signs up for your webinar. 

Before you begin: define the content 

Let’s review: you have the topic, the title, your target audience, the date, and the pages to capture your leads. 

The next step before broadcasting is to define the content and prepare the presentation that you are going to deliver in the webinar: a presentation in PDF, in PowerPoint in case you want to make modifications or do it old school and present your ideas on paper or a whiteboard. 

About the broadcast: before the webinar 

You have already taken another step in the broadcast of your webinar, and no, you can’t skip any step. 

Before the broadcast, you have to choose the platform you will use to teach the webinar. These options are varied and depend on how you want to approach them. 

For example, with apps like StreamYard, you can broadcast from a YouTube channel, where you already know that it will automatically live on your channel and users have access to the chat. 

Other options include Google Meet or Zoom. Google Meet is mainly for video conferencing, but Zoom has its own webinar plan and recruitment page. 

Finally, remember to send reminders via email, to get those last leads before the date approaches. 

About the broadcast: during the webinar 

Now, you are ready to go live for the webinar and you have to pay attention to all the details to make sure it goes perfectly. 

  • Interact with attendees through the screen: what they think, ask them questions, and reflections. 
  • Check that everything is correct, both the video and the audio, before and during the webinar. 
  • If you do the live on YouTube, respond to comments in the chat. If you don’t have time for everything, you can count on a team member to help you. 

After the webinar: amplification 

Once the webinar is finished, it is time to get the potential out of other channels, increase visits (if it is on YouTube), and build confidence with new leads. 

For this you can use several options: 

  • Send the recording to each of the attendees or those that registered for the webinar. This action, in addition to creating a link with your brand, allows users to see it whenever they want or, for those who could not attend, see it offline. 
  • Create content for your blog and social networks with information about what was discussed in the webinar, interesting snippets, or the full webinar. 

The goal is to generate that complicity with your community and amplify the reach of the webinar via other channels. 

Post-webinar: Analysis 

With the whole process completed and the webinar finished, it’s time to analyze each of the actions you have done. In this way, you can improve your strategy for the next webinar. 

  • Look at the viewers you had, especially those who have signed up and then attended the webinar. 
  • Measure the statistics of your emails: how many opened the email you sent with the recording, if they opened it, if they downloaded the webinar, etc. 
  • Analyze the promotional actions: ads and promotions on social networks. 

And that’s all we have for this mega guide of all the steps you need to know how to create a webinar. 

Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments 👇🏻

Anniston Ward Anniston Ward , 09 February 2023

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