Instagram’s New Interactive Stickers

08 May 2024

Instagram is starting to test new interactive stickers in the app. Instagram stickers have become a fun way to interact with your audience on stories. There are many options to choose from including asking a question, adding your favorite song, using a GIF, and more! Plus, you can even create your own!

The first rumored sticker to be added is a “Secret” sticker. Alessandro Paluzzi, an app leaker and developer took to X and posted screenshots of what the new sticker looks like.

“Secret” Instagram Sticker

The secret Instagram sticker would serve as a “hidden” message, and those who respond with a message will be able to see the secret. Additionally, the Instagram sticker could serve as a good way to boost interaction with your followers. You could also share a secret code, date, or photo!

This next sticker that Instagram is working on is an “app” sharing sticker. With this sticker, users will be able to link an app to their story. Again, this is a great way for creators to interact with their following. They will be able to share the apps they use to film, edit, and design. Or even if you are promoting an application, this could be a good way to share it instead of using a direct link.

“App” Instagram sticker

Yes, there’s more! Palluzzi also posted on X about an “Anon Questions” Instagram sticker. For example, this will allow your followers to ask questions anonymously, as their usernames will not be visible. If you are a shy social media user, this is ideal for you.

“Anon Questions” Instagram sticker

“Music Pick” is the most recent sticker that Instagram is developing. Music Pick lets your followers submit their favorite songs to the sticker, essentially creating a playlist. Are you looking for new music? This also appears to be an ideal technique to gain a feel for new songs and music genres.

“Music Pick” Instagram sticker

New Instagram Stickers

Instagram has been implementing more and more interactive features to their stories and the stickers have been some of the most popular. They just recently added 4 more stickers: 

  • Add Yours Music Sticker– This sticker enables users to respond to a story with a music track
Source: Social Media Today
  • Polaroid Frames- This feature will turn your photos into a classic Polaroid look. 
Source: Social Media Today
  • Reveal Sticker- This sticker blocks out your photo until someone sends you a DM. Once a user sends the DM the photo will be ‘revealed’ to them. 
Source: Social Media Today
  • Revamp of the Cutout Sticker– This sticker has been available for many users since January but now it should be available to all users. 
Source: Social Media Today

Instagram Stories have come a very long way throughout the years, not only with Instagram stickers but with all the other amazing features. If you want a complete guide to Instagram stories, read this in-depth blog!

Robert Catoir Robert Catoir , 08 May 2024

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