Advertising on TikTok

19 August 2021

After checking your account, you have just realized that your competition is overtaking you.

They have published ads in the app, increased the number of followers and probably improved their sales thanks to TikTok Ads.

If you have reached this post, it is because you want to know everything you need to know to start promoting your TikTok content and you are not sure where to start.

Once you finish this advertising guide, you will be able to start your first ad on the app straight away.

How to Create Ads on TikTok

Are you still considering whether you should invest in advertising on TikTok?

Here are several reasons why you should create an ad strategy for this platform.

✅ Reach a large number of new users

TikTok has more than one billion active users. Why not take advantage of that audience to attract them to your company, business or personal brand?

If your target audience is the same on TikTok, they can become potential customers and increase your community.

✅ Increase the presence of your brand

TikTok is already a reality that has become as popular as Instagram or Snapchat. In fact, on March 2020, it was the most downloaded app (without considering video games apps)

If you have a company or personal brand, use this social network wisely and increase your brand presence.

Ad formats on TikTok

Before getting down to business and if you are already clear that you want to include TikTok in your advertising strategy, we should first review the types of ad formats that you can use on this app.

TopView Ads

This ad is displayed to capture the user’s full attention with multiple possibilities in full screen and without other distractions. The user sees the ad and devotes their full attention to the content.

✅ Duration: 60 seconds

✅ You can include sounds and also make it play automatically.

Brand Takeover

This type of ad will be shown to the user as soon as they open the TikTok app. These ads are the most expensive as they are displayed as soon as the user opens the app so they can’t miss it.

✅ Full-screen video

✅ Possibility of adding a static or dynamic image.

✅ 3 to 5 seconds long.

Ad on TikTok’s feed

If you already have an Instagram account, these ads will be familiar to you. They are the ones that appear in the feed of your ‘For you’ page or what we also know as a wall. 

✅ Up to 60 seconds long.  

✅ This video works as a regular post, so users who see your ad can interact with it: like, comment, etc.

TikTok has introduced the option for brands to display their ad in search results: TikTok Search Ads Toggle.

Branded Hashtag Challenge

Videos with a challenge accompanied by a hashtag are one the most successful content on TikTok.

Here, the brand tests the commitment of users by proposing a challenge that they share with the objective of going viral and reaching new users.

With this type of ads:

✅ Your hashtag will appear as a banner for 6 days in the trending section.

✅ Users will be able to see the hashtags and instructions for that challenge.

Branded Effects

If you have created a filter, special effects or ‘stickers’, use them to promote your brand or online store.

By advertising these details, users will be able to use them in their videos and make them go viral.

✅ Reach a larger audience by improving the user experience with filters and special effects.

✅ Make your brand go viral and attract new users.

Spark Ads

It’s an ad format that boosts organic content generated by the account that advertises it or other content creators, as long as they have the permission of the creators to do so.

Each creator can choose which videos can be used for ads and which ones cannot within the Privacy screen.

It is content that appears natively in the ‘For you’ Feed.

Therefore, these types of ads allow users to continue seeing exciting content respecting their interests. At the same time, companies can promote their business through their own posts or those of other content creators.

spark ads


TikTok offers you a new way to grow on the platform through the “Promote” ads feature.

In four simple steps, you can advertise TikTok videos from the app itself:

  • Choose the video to promote.
  • Set a goal to achieve, 
  • A budget for a specific period.
  • Complete the payment.

💡 Now you just have to wait for the results!

You can achieve with TikTok the following goals: more views, more visits, or more followers.

Think carefully about which objectives you want to accomplish with your brand on TikTok, and go for them!

Time to grow on TikTok!

Create a TikTok Ads account: start creating ads

Now you know what types of advertising can be done on TikTok, the next step is to know how.

Unlike other applications, in TikTok you will have to make the ads from thier platform: TikTok Ads Manager

A web page where you will have to register your company with all the information requested.

Create your account if you don’t already have one:

This is a simple step but you must complete it in order to access your ad control panel.

tiktok ads account
  1. Add all the information requested by TikTok: country or region, time zone, name, telephone number, the currency and if you work for an agency.
  1. Then, click Register.
  1. You can now start creating your ads.

Create your first ad

Have you already completed your access to TikTok for business’? You will find an intuitive dashboard where you can start creating your ads.

Now, get ready to start your first TikTok ad campaign.

1. Click on ‘Campaign’ and then ‘Create’

Here begins your journey , where the first thing you have to do is choosing one of the objectives that TikTok proposes for your ad:

  • Reach: show your ad to the maximum number of people.
  • Traffic: send people to a landing page.
  • App Installs: Get more people to install your app.
  • Video Views: Increase your video playback rate.
  • Conversions: drive valuable actions on your website.

After choosing an objective, you must enter the name of the campaign or leave the one by default. You can carry out an A / B test with two types of ads and see which one works better and determine the budget.

2. Create your ad groups

In this section, you can manage all the information and the different options to create your ad.

  • Add the name of your ad group for identification purposes: ad test, product for sale, etc.

A name that as soon as you see it you know what the ad group is about, a key aspect if you are going to do many campaigns or if you work in a team.

  • Placement: it can be automatic or customized according to where you want your ad to appear

Both in TikTok and in the rest of the apps of the same group: Vigo, Helo or Pangle.

  • Promotion: Choose if you want to lead users to a URL, the name that will appear in your ad (it can be your brand), the profile image, the category of your ad and keywords for TikTok to place your ad (up to 20).
  • Audience segmentation: This section is key, here you will have to determine the audience segment you are going to address your ad to avoid wasting your money.

TikTok allows you to save your audience and exclude the ones that you don’t want your ad to show to. Also, you can choose the location, gender, age and languages. Finally, choose a category of interest and if you want to limit it to an operating system: Android or iOS.

  • Budget and schedule: Choose if you want to set a total or daily budget and the date on which you want your ad to appear.
  • Bidding and optimization: How do you want to optimize your ad? Optimize conversions to show your ad to an audience that has a higher probability of converting the action you are promoting.

Or, you can optimize clicks, where your ad will appear as many times as possible to increase the number of clicks.

You can choose Impressions where the ad will display the higher number of times while you pay for every 1,000 impressions.

You will also have to choose the type of delivery: standard, to obtain results during the duration of the ad and accelerated, to spend the marked budget and obtain results as quickly as possible.

3. Design your ad

In this section you will have to choose the video that you are going to promote and edit it before publishing it. You also have the single image option, but TikTok does not allow these types of ads.

Create your video ad

➡️  When choosing a video to upload and advertise on TikTok, you can do it from your computer (in .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .avi or .gif format and up to 500 mb).  Also from the library of the videos you have already uploaded or create your own through images.

TikTok offers you up to four different ways to create a video: using a template and editing it to your liking, creating a smart video with the app’s AI, embedding a video or adding the video and then creating the music through AI.

➡️ Once the video is uploaded, you will have to edit it by adding the name of the ad, the descriptive text (up to 80 characters) and the call to action you want: more information, registration, etc.

4. Choose the billing

In the last step of your ad, you will have to choose the billing method, as well as the tax, contact information and the payment method that you will use for your ad account.

With Metricool, you can measure your TikTok Ads campaigns and know how your investment is working. In addition, schedule the content that you want to upload, analyze your videos and download personalized performance reports.

You have everything ready to launch your campaign on TikTok. If you have any questions, we will read your comments.

Now it’s your turn to get started with your ads on TikTok.

Isabel Romero Isabel Romero , 19 August 2021

2024 TikTok Ads Study

Improve your ad strategy with the latest insights

We analyzed over 5,000 TikTok ad campaigns from 730 accounts to provide the real data to inform your TikTok ad strategy.

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