How to Write a Great Instagram Bio
Your Instagram Bio is one of the most important factors on this social network. It doesn’t matter what your account is for or what you do, your bio will be the first thing that your potential followers are going to see.
An Instagram Bio is key for people to learn:
- Who you are
- What you do
- Where to find you
It will definitely help you to get more interactions and persuade users on whether to follow you or not. So, in this post we will outline how to write a great Instagram bio as well as show some exemplary bios.
How to create a winning Instagram Bio
A study from Missouri University of Science and Technology revealed that online visitors only need two-tenths of a second to get a first impression of a profile, website or social account. In addition, they need another 2.6 seconds for the viewer’s eyes to focus and reconfirm that first impression.
What’s the first impression that users form when they visit your Instagram account? Your bio gathers a brief description that speaks to you. Take as much time as you need to write the perfect Instagram bio.
“Be creative, persuasive and realistic.” Let’s analyze all the existing fields on your Instagram Bio one by one.
1. Your name on Instagram
What’s your name? What’s your brand name? Usernames don’t always allow others to know who you are. It might be that your name has already been used by other users. If this is your case, include your name or your business’ so you can be easily identified.
If your username identifies clearly who you are, you don’t need to state your name again in the description. Use it to explain what you do.

If you have a personal brand, it’s a good idea to add your specialization or what you do, to help position your brand and optimize your profile.
If you are ‘famous’ in your sector, you should include in your description your name followed by the word “official”.

2. Essential information to be included in your Instagram Bio
Your specialty, your sector and what you do. You can explain what you have to offer to your followers as an easy way to introduce persuasive writing in your description.

Add your location. Don’t forget to include your location or phone number if your strategy is focused on attracting the local public or you have a special interest in a specific area.

Contact information: Instagram now allows you to include contact buttons with your phone or email, without taking space on your bio text. Make sure that future customers can find the way to contact you easily.

3. Link
You should include a link in your Instagram Bio to your website or blog, if you have one, to drive traffic to those sites. Create an attractive call to action before you add your link. You can use phrases or emoji’s for your calls to action.

4. Emoji’s
It’s recommended to use emoji’s in your Instagram bio. They help your profile to be more visually appealing and stand out.

5. Add hashtags or usernames
One of Instagram’s new updates is that the accounts or hashtags that appear in the Bio’s description can be clickable now. If you want to redirect people from one account to another, you should add it to your Bio.
Create your own hashtag and include it in your bio to easily spread it. You will know the existing interaction with your brand. If you add it to your bio, users will understand the relationship with your profile and brand.

6. Instagram stories highlights
Thanks to this Instagram’s update, your stories will last more than 24 hours. This new feature will help boost your conversions. Also, with the option of creating folders you can keep your stories more organized and your followers can see everything in the folder that they are interested in.
Examples of great Instagram bios
We have put together some great examples of Instagram bios: Wonderforest. As you can see in the image, she uses several emoji’s and calls to action what makes her bio more dynamic. She also adds her email account and briefly explains what she does.
Wordsmeetwalls. This bio also includes several emoji’s. In this case, it mentions another profile to redirect traffic.

Leefromamerica. This profile explains everything you will find in her photographs and what she does. It also indicates how exactly get in touch with her and where she is.

Thechalkboardmag. This bio includes a clickable hashtag and also a link to a website. It also explains in few words what the account is all about.

Instagram Bio Ideas
Writing an Instagram bio could be difficult and you could be experiencing some writers block. Here are some ideas to inspire you:
- Funny Bios- A simple witty bio could be very beneficial to attracting new followers by starting them off with a laugh. See an example below from the well-known Cole Sprouse:

- Out of the Box and Creative Bios- Ask your followers a question, list your ingredients, or what you’re all about.

- Quotes for Bios- Add your favorite quote that resonates with you as your bio

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Apply these tips and take your time to write an Instagram bio that makes your profile stand out!
It’s your turn now.