How to Analyze Your Twitch Competitors

07 September 2023

Have a Twitch channel and want to know what your competition is up to? You have to analyze your Twitch competitors.

You have two choices:

▶️ Spend hours and hours looking at the streamer’s followers channel by channel. Using the Twitch search engine, finding the channel and looking for the data you want. 

Conclusion: wasting a ton of time you could spend doing other work.

▶️ Use the Metricool tool for analyzing your Twitch competitors that gives you all the metrics you need at a glance in one click. Enter the username and Metricool takes care of the rest.

Conclusion: in under a minute you have all the information you need to see how your Twitch competition is doing.

And today we’re going to explain this function and what it shows you about your competitors. 

Analyze Your Twitch Competitors with Metricool

If you’re going to use this Metricool function, you need an account on the platform and you have to connect your Twitch channel.

Signing up takes less than a minute, just follow the instructions here. 👇🏻

To connect your channel and get statistics on your channel and your Twitch competition, go into your dashboard and follow these steps: click on the drop-down menu at the top right > Connections > Twitch.


Now you’re ready to analyze your Twitch channel competitors.

How to Add Competitors 

Forget about email addresses or endless URL strings. Adding a user you think could be your Twitch competition is very easy.

To analyze a Twitch channel with Metricool, all you have to do is find their username, click on ‘Add’ and enter the streamer’s username.

If it has a complicated character or is hard to remember, just copy and paste the streamer’s name. Finally, click on add and wait for Metricool to incorporate the metrics for that channel.

Twitch Metrics with Metricool

When you have the metrics, it’s time to get down to work and analyze it all.

And what data do you have? Choose the time period you want to analyze for your competitor at the top of your dashboard. And have a look!

On the List of competitors, you can organize data by the metrics you’re most interested in.

✅ Followers.

Your Twitch competition’s followers. Check out this figure to see how their community is growing.

✅ Videos.

The number of streams they did in the time period you chose. This can be important if their success is tied to the number of live streams they do.

✅ Clips.

Clips are part of a channel’s popularity. Although the streamer can make them, having lots of clips says more about their community of followers and viewers.

✅ Views.

Views are the foundation of the channel’s success. It is a key metric to know how your channel is doing, or your Twitch competition.

Twitch competitors with metricool

More Twitch Statistics

Not enough to really understand your competition? Wait, there’s more!

If you look at the username, there’s a button that says ‘More statistics’.

Click on it to get more detailed information on each streamer:

✅ Channel growth on a bar graph and comparison of number of live streams.

✅ List of streams with the title, date, length and total number of views.

✅ List of clips with the title, date created, game it’s from and total views.

So you not only have general information for several streamers who could be your competition, you get detailed data for each channel.


❇️ Download the information on your competition as a CSV file so you’ll always have it handy.

❇️ Include the analysis of your Twitch competition in your Metricool reports for clients or agencies with your Media Kit.

❇️ Add two or more competitors to compare their data against each other.

All ready to analyze your Twitch competitors. Get going and make your streams a hit! 

And if you’re going to start a channel… 

💥 Metricool Guide

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 07 September 2023

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